Why You Need To Use Undetectable AI If You’re Writing Anything With ChatGPT

Like you, I’ve been using ChatGPT for more than a year now. For the most part, I’ve been satisfied with its creativity and depth of knowledge, especially when it comes to creating articles or essays.

But, here’s the thing about ChatGPT: It may be one of the, if not the, most intelligent software out there, but it’s far from subtle. With more than 100 million concurrent users, the digital world has definitely caught up to identifying AI writing. 

There’s the usual suspects like repetition, deep vocabulary, overreliance on jargons, and the occasional AI hallucination. Apart from those, another way people identify GPT writing is through AI detection tools. 

Do I think people need to stop using ChatGPT for writing? No, but you have to be creative with how you use it.

You can always tweak their outputs but, if you’re too swamped, you can always ask AI bypass tools to do the task for you. My pick for that is Undetectable AI.

In this article, I’ll talk about the benefits of using Undetectable AI with ChatGPT, compare their writing, and analyze how effective it is at humanizing your AI writing.

Why You Need Undetectable AI For ChatGPT

Academic Writing

If there’s one industry that has been affected most by ChatGPT, it’s education. Students have been using this revolutionary tool to complete assignments and write essays for them. However, with issues stemming from AI detectors, some students have been cautious about using ChatGPT ever since, even if they’re not using it unethically.

And it’s not limited to ChatGPT users. Since it’s trained to emulate natural language, even students who don’t use AI are at risk of getting punished for it. Last April, this fear became true for William Quarterman of UC Davis. Stanford also published a study saying that AI detectors are biased against non-native speakers because we’re more familiar with proper English structure.

Undetectable AI helps ensure that you won’t get flagged as AI. You can even use their output parameters to keep the essence of your original text. 

Content Writing

There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether Google is cracking down on AI-written content. Google, however, reiterates that it only cares about two things when it comes to content: quality and engagement. Well-written articles have always rank higher in search, AI or not, and that’s still true.

But what about the future?

There hasn’t been any solid information but, with the oversaturation of content from ChatGPT and the likes, it’s hard to ignore the possibility of Google penalizing AI content. That’s why it’s important to future proof your articles against detection.

One way of doing so is through Undetectable AI.

With its “Blog Article” and “Journalist / Marketing” parameters, this tool can turn your GPT-written articles undetectable. In my opinion, it’s best to invest in Undetectable AI now as a precaution against penalized content.

Cover Letter

With AI gaining more popularity, it’s getting harder to determine an applicant’s genuineness. As a result, most employers started using AI tools to filter out GPT-generated cover letters. However, here’s an unethical life pro tip: you can bypass this easily with Undetectable AI’s “Cover Letter” use case.

Other Niche Use Cases

  • Marketing: Create humanized copies that resonate better with your audience.
  • Rewriting Previous Content: Update and make your old articles undetectable in bulk.

ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) Writing vs. Undetectable AI Writing

Undetectable AI claims that it bypasses AI detection by humanizing your content. So, let’s put that to the test by comparing GPT-generated writing vs. the Undetectable AI outputs side by side.

Also, to avoid AI detection, Undetectable AI intentionally uses grammar errors and spelling mistakes to make the output more invisible to detectors. That’s why I’ll also include a third set of outputs in this comparison: slightly tweaked (by me) Undetectable AI writing.

I’ll also show you the AI likelihood score of each text using Hugging Face’s AI Content Detector.

Example 1: Essay Writing (Essay + University)

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI

Tagged As AI [AI Likelihood: 98.17%]

The Moai, iconic stone statues of Easter Island, continue to captivate the world with their enigmatic presence. Carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries, these massive figures, often reaching heights of 33 feet and weighing up to 82 tons, stand as a testament to ancient Polynesian craftsmanship. While their exact purpose remains a subject of debate, it is widely believed that they represent ancestral chiefs or deities. The mystery deepens when considering how the Rapa Nui managed to transport these colossal statues across the island, a feat that continues to baffle archaeologists. The Moai also serve as a poignant reminder of the island’s ecological challenges, as over-zealous construction of these statues contributed to deforestation and societal decline. Today, the Moai stand as a symbol of both human ingenuity and the consequences of unsustainable resource use, offering valuable lessons for our modern world.

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 0.04%]

The enigmatic presence of the Moai those stone statues found on Easter Island continues to captivate people. Crafted by the Rapa Nui people during the 13th to centuries these impressive figures, often towering, up to 33 feet in height and weighing much as 82 tons stand as a testament to the remarkable skills of ancient Polynesian artisans. While there is debate about their purpose it is widely believed that they represent revered ancestral leaders or deities. The mystery deepens when we consider how the Rapa Nui managed to transport these sculptures across the island—a feat that still bewilders archaeologists today. The Moai also serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by the island as excessive statue construction contributed to deforestation and societal decline. Presently these statues symbolize both creativity and the consequences of use of resources offering valuable lessons, for our contemporary world.

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI + Human Writing

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 0.55%]

The enigmatic presence of the Moai statues found on Easter Island continues to captivate people to this day. Crafted by the Rapa Nui people during the 13th century, these impressive and towering figures, which can reach up to 33 feet and 82 tons, stand as a testament to the remarkable skills of ancient Polynesian artisans. While there is debate about their purpose, it is widely believed that they represent ancestral leaders or deities. The mystery deepens when we consider how the Rapa Nui managed to transport these sculptures across the island — a feat that still bewilders archaeologists today. The Moai statues also serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by the island as their construction contributed to deforestation and societal decline. Currently, these statues symbolize both creativity and the consequences of resource waste, offering valuable lessons for our contemporary world.

Example 2: Content Writing (Blog Article + Journalist)

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI

Tagged As AI [AI Likelihood: 99.27%]

In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying connected is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re a gamer, a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves to chat with friends, Discord has emerged as the ultimate communication app of choice. With its user-friendly interface and an array of features tailored to the needs of various communities, Discord has transformed the way we interact online. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the world of Discord, exploring its key features, its growing popularity, and how it’s redefining online communication. If you’re new to Discord or a seasoned user looking to unlock its full potential, this article is your guide to mastering this versatile app.

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 0%]

In todays paced era staying connected is more important, than ever before. Whether you’re a gamer, a student, an simply someone who enjoys chatting with friends Discord has emerged as the go to communication app. It offers a user interface and a range of features designed to cater to communities needs. Discord has truly revolutionized the way we interact online. In this blog post we will explore the world of Discord by diving into its features its increasing popularity and how it is reshaping communication. Whether you are new to Discord or an experienced user looking to unlock its potential this article will serve as your guide, to becoming a master of this app.

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI + Human Writing

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 36.36%]

In today’s fast-paced era, staying connected is more important than ever before. No matter who you are, Discord has emerged as the go-to communication app. It offers a user interface and a range of features designed to cater to every need. Discord has really changed the way we interact online. In this blog post, we’ll explore the amazing world of Discord. That includes features, popularity, and how it reshaped communication. So if you’re new or an experienced user, make this article your guide to becoming a master of this app.

Example 3: Cover Letters

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI

Tagged As AI [AI Likelihood: 73.6%]

I’m passionate about crafting delectable chocolate creations that bring joy to people’s lives. With a solid background in chocolate-making techniques and a commitment to quality, I’m eager to join your team as a chocolatier. I thrive in fast-paced environments, have a keen eye for detail, and I’m dedicated to perfecting the art of chocolate. Let’s create sweet experiences together.

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 0.02%]

I have a passion, for creating chocolate treats that bring happiness to peoples lives. With my experience in the art of crafting chocolate and my unwavering dedication to maintaining standards I am excited, about the opportunity to join your team as a chocolatier. I excel in paced settings pay attention to detail and constantly strive to refine my skills in the world of chocolate. Lets come together and create moments filled with sweetness.

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI + Human Writing

Passed As Human [AI Likelihood: 18.83%]

I have a passion for creating chocolate treats that bring happiness to people’s lives. With my experience in the art of crafting chocolate and my unwavering dedication to maintaining standards, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team as a chocolatier. I excel in a fast-paced setting, pay attention to detail, and constantly strive to refine my skills in the world of chocolate. Let’s come together and create moments filled with sweetness.

How Effective is Undetectable AI?

To get a better overview of how good Undetectable AI, I also conducted my own test by comparing the AI likelihood score of a GPT-generated text and its Undetectable AI counterpart. Here are the results:

If you’re interested in seeing more tests with Undetectable AI, you can check out some of our other articles here.

The Bottom Line

So, to answer the question at the top of this article, why do you need to use Undetectable AI if you’re writing anything with ChatGPT?

The answer is pretty straightforward: Because it works.

Undetectable AI is one of those “no-frills” software that exists only to do one thing, and that’s to bypass AI detection. And it does the job incredibly well.

With Undetectable AI, you don’t have to worry about getting flagged as AI for any of your content, whether it’s from ChatGPT or other AI detection tools. Of course, being a relatively new product, it has some growing pains, specifically with its grammar and punctuations. But, all you have to do is clean up its output and that’s it. You’ve got nothing else to worry about.

So, would I recommend using Undetectable AI? 100%.

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