
Starseed to launch an innovative Generative AI-based ‘Pulitzer AI’ PR SaaS service – attracting angel investment and certifying as a venture company – KoreaTechDesk

Starseed, Co. Ltd., led by a series of founders from Seoul National University and KAIST, is one step closer to the development of next-generation PR technology. Starseed announced on the 28th that it has recently succeeded in attracting angel investment and completed certification of venture company ahead of the launch of its PR SaaS (Software as a Service) service “Pulitzer AI,” which aims the global market through Generative AI technology.

The angel investment attracted this time is the result and recognition of StarSeed’s technological innovation and market potential, and is expected to be a strong foundation for business expansion as well as financing necessary for the launch of “Pulitzer AI.”

Pulitzer AI is a PR service based on Generative AI technology that supports the entire process from writing and distributing press releases that can effectively deliver users’ desired messages. It is expected that the combination of user-friendly interfaces and algorithms will present a new paradigm in the PR field.

StarSeed’s founders, who are not stopping from Korea but aiming for the global market, are leading the combination of artificial intelligence technology and PR by utilizing their expertise at Seoul National University and KAIST, respectively, and more than a decade of experiences in a series of startups. While the successful launch of Pulitzer AI is expected to have an impact on the industry as a whole, StarSeed is also accelerating its preparations for the next step.


보도자료 문의 : (주)스타씨드 (https://starseed.co.krinfo@starseed.co.kr / https://pulitzer.ai/

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