
Python Api – store data in Sql AND NoSql

Good evening dear community,

I am a student and am currently programming an Api in Python. Among other things, it is possible to register, log in, create a user profile with data, etc.

I would like to be able to store and retrieve sensor data as time-efficiently as possible. For example, the data from a light sensor. It should also be possible to assign this data to a user.

My question is, does it make sense or is it allowed to split the data into SQL and NoSql? I would store data that needs to be organized like user data in a SQL database and the sensor data in a NoSQL. Theoretically you can assign the same “id” to the measured values as to the user in the SQL database and so you could assign the sensor data in the NoSQL to a user.

Many thanks for the answers, tips and constructive criticism

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