
Generative AI Will Disrupt These Categories in 2024

The Gist

  • Future predictions. The future of generative AI suggests a gradual, yet transformative impact across multiple sectors by 2024.
  • Risk assessment. Risks of generative AI include potential job disruptions but also offer enhanced productivity and innovation.
  • Tech evolution. Generative AI’s role in automating and enhancing tasks like call center operations and RPA signifies a tech paradigm shift.

Despite the remarkable strides made in generative AI, it has not been a disruptive force, leading to intriguing speculations about the future of generative AI. This may be partly because the technology is still in its early phases of adoption and integration into various sectors.

In the meantime, the economy has demonstrated resilience and robust growth, maintaining low unemployment levels even amidst high interest rates. This suggests that the current economic environment is effectively absorbing the technological advancements without significant negative repercussions on job markets.

Moreover, the nature of generative AI as it stands today is predominantly collaborative rather than fully autonomous. Instead of replacing human roles, it functions more as a copilot, augmenting and enhancing human capabilities.

Paper cutouts of a line of human figures in various skin-tones holding hands with one cutout of a blue robot figure in the line in piece about the future of generative AI.
Instead of replacing human roles, generative AI functions more as a copilot, augmenting and enhancing human capabilities.freshidea on Adobe Stock Photos

Despite this, there will still likely be disruption. This is a natural result of any transformative technology. After all, in the early days of the internet, it had a wide-ranging impact on brick-and-mortar retailers, travel agencies, media and entertainment, traditional telecommunications and advertising. 

The same will be the case with generative AI. This is also likely to start happening in 2024.

The Future of Generative AI: Call Center Business

The traditional call center industry generally involves operations with a large number of employees. They usually operate on a 24/7 basis and are focused on metrics like call handling time, customer satisfaction scores and resolution rates. 

The size of the global call center market is about $31 billion and is expected to grow at 11% per year over the next decade.

However, this may prove wildly optimistic. Generative AI is already adept at automating tier-1 and even tier-2 support. The technology can also be fine-tuned to handle more complex matters by processing internal information, such as about products and services. Generative AI can do all this with high levels of personalization and in natural-sounding language.

Then there are the advances in multimodal capabilities. In other words, generative AI can speak fluently across multiple modalities. 

In the next few years, this will extend to video. There will be immersive avatars that will be human-like and easily handle any type of customer question. 

Related Article: Generative AI Will Reduce 30% of Customer Service and Support Agents

The Future of Generative AI: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology used for automating routine and repetitive tasks in business processes. It involves the use of software robots, or “bots,” that can mimic human actions to perform tasks such as data entry, processing transactions and managing data. These bots can interact with different software systems, just like a human user would, but with greater speed, accuracy and consistency.

RPA typically offers a quick return on investment, often realized within months of implementation. This is due to the cumulative impact of cost savings, productivity gains and improved operational efficiency.

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