
Write python code on a wordpress website to scrape data from 5 websites — 2

I am looking for a Python developer with experience in web scraping to help me with a project on my WordPress website.

Project Title: Write python code on a WordPress website to scrape data from 5 websites

Specific Data to Scrape:

– I would like to scrape text data from the 5 websites

Storage Format:

– I would like the scraped data to be stored in a database

Scraping Frequency:

– I need the Python script to be set up for continuous scraping

Ideal Skills and Experience:

– Proficient in Python programming

– Experience with web scraping using Python libraries such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy

– Knowledge of WordPress and integrating Python scripts into a WordPress website

– Familiarity with database systems and storing scraped data

– Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate scraping of data

If you have the skills and experience required for this project, please bid and provide examples of similar projects you have worked on. Thank you!



Web Scraping

Data Mining

Web Development

Project ID: #37581252

About the project

97 proposals

Open for bidding

Remote project

Active 1 min ago

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