
Will Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Break Capitalism? | by Tomas Corza | Aug, 2024

About the author: Tomas Corza is a marketing strategist, Jobs-to-be-Done practitioner and musician.

Click here to contact Tomas Corza.

In the rapidly advancing realm of artificial intelligence (AI), understanding the profound impact it will have on our economy and society is more crucial than ever. A recent podcast featuring Eric Weinstein, mathematician and economist, shed light on the transformative potential of AI through the eyes of Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. Their conversation explores the near future of AI, the challenges we face, and the disruptions it will likely cause to our current economic systems.

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Could AI Disrupt Capitalism as We Know It?

One of Weinstein’s observations is Altman’s assertion that AI has the potential to “break capitalism.” Capitalism, an economic system in which the free market alone controls the means of production, could be fundamentally challenged by the rise of artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI is designed to think independently, solve complex problems, and adapt to new challenges, just like a human would but better. As AGI matures, it might erode the very foundations of our economic structures, pushing us toward a new framework altogether.

Altman’s perspective isn’t confined to theoretical musings. He has been a vocal advocate for universal basic income (UBI) as a necessary response to the anticipated job displacement AI might cause. Altman is already exploring ways to mitigate AI’s societal impacts, recognizing the urgent need to support people as traditional economic models evolve or even collapse.

The Role of AI Leaders in Shaping Our Future

Weinstein also brings up a crucial point: the responsibility of AI leaders to be honest about the tech they’re developing. He suggests that Altman’s cautious transparency about AI’s capabilities isn’t about hiding the truth, but rather about acknowledging the transformative and potentially destabilizing power these technologies hold. There’s a delicate balance between informing the public and avoiding unnecessary panic, especially when the full consequences of AI advancements are still unfolding.

OpenAI’s approach to AI deployment reflects this careful balance. Instead of releasing new AI models all at once, OpenAI favors an iterative strategy. This phased introduction of AI capabilities allows society to gradually adapt, reducing the risk of overwhelming disruptions. For instance, while GPT-4 has been released, its complete functionalities are being introduced incrementally, with features like voice mode and 3D modeling still to come.

The discussions between Weinstein and Altman highlight the importance of staying engaged with AI’s development and understanding its broader societal implications. As AI continues to evolve, the opportunities it presents will be vast, but so will the challenges. Those who stay informed and adapt to these shifts will be better equipped to thrive in a world reshaped by AGI (Which is also why you should subscribe to my newsletter).

The AI revolution isn’t just about new technology; it’s about how this technology will redefine economies, jobs, and the very fabric of our society. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, professional, or simply someone concerned about the future, it’s crucial to stay up to date. The future of AI isn’t just about the tech we create, but about the society we build around it.

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