
Will 2024 See Generative AI in Our Cars?

Volkswagen, Mercedes and BMW Virtual Assistants

Volkswagen has just confirmed that it will integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT generative AI into its vehicles. Models equipped with IDA Voice assistant will deploy ChatGPT through Cerence Chat Pro, making Volkswagen the first major car company to offer Generative AI as standard in its cars from the second quarter of 2024. However, ChatGPT will not gain access to any vehicle data and conversations are deleted immediately to ensure there is no breach of data-protection legislation.

With the next evolution of the MBUX infotainment system and MB.OS software platform, Mercedes is set to introduce an AI-powered virtual assistant that promises a new dimension of in-car entertainment and interaction. 

Interestingly when BMW revealed its I Vision Dee concept car last year, one of the promotional videos actually featured a surprise cameo by KITT and David Hasselhoff himself. The link they were trying to draw was obvious.

BMW’s Digital Emotional Experience, known as DEE, featured on the I Vision Dee, is said to embody the car’s personality, engaging with drivers in a more intuitive and emotional manner.

Japanese Shinto Beliefs Embrace AI

Don’t discount the Japanese and Koreans either. Hyundai has been active in incorporating AI and advanced technologies into its cars. Likewise, Toyota and Honda are also heavily invested in AI research and development, including aspects of generative AI to enhance safety, efficiency, and user interaction.

Japanese culture generally exhibits a more accepting and positive attitude towards robots and AI, largely influenced by factors like popular media, historical Shinto beliefs of animism, and a national push for technological innovation. So expect to see AI enthusiastically embraced.

Why do we need AI in our Cars?

These initiatives symbolise a shift from cars as utility machines to sentient companions capable of understanding and responding to the nuances of casual human conversation. In other words, yes, your car will become a friend that you can chat with during your drive.

But is the implementation of AI-powered companions in cars just a fanciful luxury?

As modern cars are increasingly accused of becoming less visceral and engaging, manufacturers are seeking to find ways to make you feel more engaged and connected to your car. It’s partly about reinventing our relationship with the automobile.

The cars of tomorrow are set to be more than mere transport; they will be smart, empathetic companions, capable of conversing, learning, and perhaps even understanding our emotions. This isn’t just about making cars smarter; it’s about forging a new, interactive relationship between humans and their vehicles, ensuring every journey is personalised, safe, and enjoyable.

AI in cars is more than a fleeting trend. It’s a pivotal movement set to redefine our vehicular experiences.

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