
What C function (or interface) is the pyperclip module in python based on?

It’s based on xclip() or xsel() that require X11 implementation

xclip.c has its own functions:

  • *get_requestor,
  • del_requestor,
  • clean_requestors,
  • doOptMain,
  • doOptSel,
  • doOptTarget,
  • doIn,
  • printSelBuf,
  • doOut

xsel.c functions:

  • get_atom_name
  • debug_property
  • xs_malloc
  • _xs_strdup
  • _xs_strncpy
  • get_xdg_cache_home
  • block_exit_sigs
  • unblock_exit_sigs
  • alarm_handler
  • and other (about 49 more)

Linux Clipboard itself is based on freedesktop.org

Repositories: pyperclip, xclip, xsel
Found: Michael Butscher, Some Programmer Dude, Håkon Hægland

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