
VikingCloud Announces Industry’s First Generative AI-Powered Chatbot Combining Real-Time Cybersecurity and PCI Compliance Intelligence : @VMblog

VikingCloud announced THOR AI (Threat Hunting
and Orchestrated Response), a first-of-its-kind generative AI-powered
cybersecurity chatbot. The new complimentary cyber defense tool is designed to
assist companies of all sizes find more vulnerabilities faster – before they
become disruptive threats to their business.   

THOR AI is built on two recently
filed patent-pending innovations for (1) THOR AI’s algorithms based on
VikingCloud’s unique cybersecurity and compliance dataset, and (2)
persona-based communications customization. The company currently has 28
granted patents. 

“Organizations of all sizes
generate vast amounts of cyber event data every day. Even cybersecurity
professionals risk getting lost in the online noise, losing time, and missing
threats,” said Kevin Pierce, Chief Product Officer at VikingCloud. “THOR AI is
designed to reduce information overload and find potential online threats that
human analysts might miss due to alert fatigue – and that legacy cybersecurity
tools might not stop.” 

THOR AI’s patent-pending technology
guides risk mitigation investigation and action, giving companies a much-needed
advantage in their ongoing battle with cyber threats, including: 

  • Enhanced and custom cyber threat intelligence: THOR AI is the first and only cybersecurity chatbot to use
    both anonymized cybersecurity telemetry and Payment
    Card Industry Data Security Standard
    (PCI DSS) insights in its dataset. The
    algorithms are trained and overseen by VikingCloud’s Cyber Threat Unit and PCI
    compliance experts.

  • Expanded access to real-time, interactive cyber
    analytics and expertise:
    AI’s generative-AI-powered algorithms continuously improve the identification
    of threat patterns and customer-specific anomalies that might otherwise go
    undetected. Users of any cybersecurity skill level simply ask questions and
    THOR AI responds with up-to-the minute insight on their business, including
    recommendations for follow up queries, best-practice risk mitigation
    suggestions, and direction on how to get additional information and assistance
    from VikingCloud expert advisors.

  • Personalized, User-based Communications: THOR AI’s patent-pending, persona-based communications
    customize the level of answer detail, complexity, and vocabulary used in
    responses and recommendations. Proprietary models will accurately identify the
    level of cybersecurity expertise of individual users, from non-existent to
    CISO-level capabilities – making the solution highly-adoptable, easy-to-use,
    and effective. Click
     to view VikingCloud’s THOR AI video demo.

“Cybersecurity threats have never
been more relentless or complex, and businesses of all sizes are simply
unprepared. Either they’re too small to hire dedicated cybersecurity expertise
or just can’t find and hire enough talent because of the global skills shortage,”
said Jim Burke, CEO at VikingCloud. “With THOR AI, we saw an opportunity to
bring much needed cybersecurity resources to our customers. It’s like getting
every user an always-on team of cyber analysts who know their business -
quickly and at no extra cost.” 

THOR AI is expected to be
accessible to VikingCloud partners and customers in late Q2 2024 via the
exclusive Asgard
, VikingCloud’s one-stop hub for all solutions that help businesses
stop threats before they stop business.

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