
Use of Large Language Models to understand and question stock research – Investor Toolkits

Being a person exposed to ai ,llms and investing due to my job and being a healthy Investors always fascinated me can we leveraged both.

In a cost effective and experimental way due to work I was exploring into RAG systems and after using it with investor conference material of navine flourine , I was truly amazed that it actually did something in reality as I put around 20+ conference documents.

So does anyone know or tried something like this as I want some inputs as this system that I am building is currently building is good to do many type of docs but have only started less then 2 week ago with some issues and mostly solved in coding process.

So would like to discuss with the community’s over it and if is fruitful would also love to share( note I have made as a side project but have also devoted some time of company so need to ask the job company before sharing as it was a part of their poc)

As a note this is my first post as a first thread so would also love some comments also how to write better

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