
Updating imported variable-values between modules


I´ll try to explain this question through a example.

Well start with three modules, Sensor_Module, Calculate_Module and Master_Module.

In Calculate_Module we have a number of sensors measuring temp, humidity and other environmental values.

Theese values are imported to Calculate_Module

Code: Select all

import Calculated Module
import importlib

and updated (if the importlib.reload actually updates the values) through

in functions using the values and needs updated values.

The results from Calculate_Module is then imported to Master_Module through

Code: Select all

import Calculate_Module
import importlib

I have a function in Calculate_Module that updates the variables imported:

Code: Select all

Def Update_Environmental_Variables()
	and a number of other sensors

But when i import the values from Calculate_Module into the Master_Module the values are not updated.
I have searched for guides about how to do this but sofar i have not found anything.

I have tried to test with

Code: Select all

print(values from Sensor_Module)
print(values from Calculate_Module)

And the Sensor_Module values are updated every cycle but the Calculate_Module-Values are not.

So to sum it up – I would like to import values from Sensor_Module into Calculate_Module and have them updated every cycle.
importlib.reload(Sensor_Module) in functions in Calculate_Module does not do the trick (theese functions are called from Master_Module if this could be the problem.

Does anyone know how to do this in a relative simple way (if there is one)?

I´m new to python so there could be an easy answer.



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