
The Evolving Landscape of Location Analytics for Dynamics 365 with Generative AI – Blog

‘Please generate a speech welcoming the attendees at an office Founder’s Day’, Jenna typed into her laptop at 2:30 in the morning. She had been so swamped with work all week long that she had no time to prepare a speech for herself. Within a few seconds, ChatGPT generated an almost perfect speech for her. Jenna edited it per her organization’s requirements and by 3 am she was tucked in bed. Generative AI the buzzword of the era had come to her rescue. Without it, Jenna would be struggling till the wee hours of the morning! Although the speech was not ideal and personalized, she at least got the basic structure ready to work on at the last moment! That is the beauty of Generative AI!

Any type of Artificial Intelligence that produces new text, images, videos, and audio clips is termed Generative AI. The concept has been developing for some time now and has become a household name with ChatGPT. Microsoft is integrating AI into its services with the introduction of Copilots and Maplytics teams well with Microsoft’s Dynamics 365. Imagine the benefits that can be reaped in terms of location intelligence if Generative AI could team up with Maplytics!

Finding leads

Maplytics with its squad of Radius Search, Along the Route Search, and even POI Location is best at finding potential leads within the vicinity or nearby area. All the leads acquired in this manner when saved can be accessible to AI. AI with proper prompts could help in summarizing or listing them as and when required. The CRM records need not be checked all the time and the list would be ready in seconds. With efficient prompts, ‘leads from Industry X’ could also be segregated quickly for convenience.

Similar textual lists could be generated for ‘existing clients with license renewals due’ or ‘sales reps on leave in the first week of Feb 2024’ using Dynamics 365 Field or Customer Service.

Organizing the meetings

Maplytics has resolved the pain of organizing meetings with the clients with Auto Scheduling. The meetups are planned. Even the availability of the clients in terms of working days and hours is taken into consideration. Activities can also be organized with each of the clients in advance. The calendar if available with generative AI can help prepare for meetings.

The conversations with the clients the rep is about to meet up with can be summarized. With advanced copilot applications, the sentiments of the conversations can also be analyzed and reported. The minutes of previous meetings and notes exchanged could be collected together in seconds for the rep to study. Using these, even meeting agendas can be made beforehand and shared with the clients.

Preparing and Reporting Meetings

Route Optimization is the backbone of the field team. It helps with optimized travel routes that are shortest in terms of travel distance and travel time and avoids highways, traffic, and tolls. The travel routes and the turn-by-turn navigation directions when supplied to generative AI could help in summarizing the possible routes taken in forming a travel network.

Reports could be generated on the best routes to follow to a client area at a specific time of the day. Most frequent clients visited at a time could also be listed and recursive meetings could be organized for them. Average time spent on clients and fuel expenses per client could also be derived with all the numbers noted. Based on the meeting notes, a summary of the meeting attended could be generated with AI and immediately shared with the office and the client. A similar summary of previous meetings can also be generated and referred to.

Enhanced Marketing Campaigns

Census Data Mapping and Esri’s ArcGIS Feature Layers help in tapping the correct markets with the correct target audiences. Marketing lists help with grouping similar audiences for sharing similar marketing campaigns. With Generative AI, the campaigns created could be advanced and specific with the right prompts. ‘Create a copy to sell car seat warmers for high-income groups of cities of Maine’ could generate a copy with a joke or a language lingo popular in Maine.

The images, audio, and videos can be generated in the same manner specific to audiences and regions. The jingle for an ad campaign in Hawaii could have the beats from Hawaiian music. Videos or Images generated for Holiday Campaigns in Florida need not display snow and it would contradict. The creative would be quickly generated and of superior quality.

The technology is in the bud and the petals are blooming gradually. Time and Exploration will determine the path this wave of adventure takes.

What’s More?

Maplytics is like water that can be moulded into any role. To get more acquainted and experience it first-hand, one can write to [email protected] To investigate the product further, with a personalized demo within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM / Dataverse get in touch with the Team.

For applied knowledge, do visit our Website or Microsoft AppSource. One can hop on to the detailed BlogsClient TestimonialsSuccess StoriesIndustry Applications, and Video Library for a quick query resolution.

Until then,

Happy Prompting!

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