The AI Impact — A 5.2% Earnings Drop for Freelance Writers Post-ChatGPT

The arrival of ChatGPT, a brainchild of OpenAI, has certainly shaken things up in the freelance writing world.

Imagine this — a bustling online marketplace where freelance writers hustle for gigs. Then, ChatGPT takes its entry, and suddenly, there’s a noticeable shift. A study, zooming in on the experiences of 92,547 freelancers on UpWork, paints a detailed picture: a 2% drop in available writing jobs and a 5.2% dip in what these writers are earning each month.

Why writers, you ask? Well, it seems the writing community was particularly intrigued by ChatGPT. A surge in Google searches for “GPT Writing” post its launch was a dead giveaway. It’s as if everyone suddenly wanted to know how this new AI kid on the block could write.

The introduction of ChatGPT marks a turning point, with freelance writing jobs down by 2% and earnings reduced by 5.2%.

The findings from the folks at Washington University in St. Louis and New York University are pretty eye-opening. They’re saying that the arrival of ChatGPT isn’t just a blip on the radar. It’s actually making it harder for some freelancers to find work. Imagine having 1.2% less chance of landing a gig each month and taking on almost 5% fewer projects. That’s the current reality for these freelancers.

Here’s a twist, though. It’s not just the newbies or the average Joes feeling the pinch. The AI’s sophistication means it’s stepping on the toes of the big guns – the top-notch writers who usually command the best rates. It’s like having a new, super-efficient colleague who can do what you do, but faster, potentially nudging you out of the picture.

Think about a real estate or car insurance blog that used to rely on expert human writers for its in-depth, nuanced articles. Now, it might just turn to AI to churn out similar content. That’s a real game-changer for those seasoned writers who’ve built careers in these niches.

The study also nudges us to think bigger. It’s not just about now; it’s about what this means for the future of work. Sure, we’re seeing a demand dip for knowledge workers in the short term, possibly leading to more uniform pay. But what about down the road? That’s still a big question mark.

And it’s not just academic musings. Hollywood’s recent strikes put this very issue under the spotlight. The Writers Guild of America is already setting up safeguards, ensuring writers aren’t forced to bow down to AI. They’re also being careful about how AI uses their creative output. The Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists is also in the mix, figuring out their stance on this AI wave.

So, what’s the takeaway? ChatGPT’s entry into the market is more than just a technological marvel; it’s a real game-changer for freelance writers, especially the crème de la crème. As we move forward, keeping an eye on how AI reshapes job landscapes, particularly in creative fields, is crucial. It’s an evolving story, one where adaptability and foresight could be key survival tools.

Read next: AI Generated Content Shows Explosive Growth — AI Image, AI Video, and AI Written Searches Soar As Per Google Trends Data

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