
Riding the Wave of AI Evolution: SingularityNET’s Journey Towards Artificial General Intelligence | by AI Tools Finder | Aug, 2024


Ryan Daws, a seasoned editor at TechForge Media, delves into the exciting world of SingularityNET and their ambitious quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). With over a decade of experience, Daws’ articles and interviews with industry leaders have earned him recognition as a key influencer.

SingularityNET’s AGI Ambition

SingularityNET is betting on a network of powerful supercomputers to achieve AGI, with the first one set to launch in September. While today’s AI excels in specific areas, it’s still far from genuine human-like intelligence.

The Need for Supercomputing Facilities

The complexity of the AI architectures required for AGI necessitates significant supercomputing facilities. Ben Goertzel, SingularityNET’s CEO, explains that while their novel neural-symbolic AI approaches decrease the need for data, processing, and energy, they still require substantial supercomputing resources.

SingularityNET’s Multi-Level Cognitive Computing Network

SingularityNET is developing a multi-level cognitive computing network designed to host and train the complex AI architectures required for AGI. This network will house deep neural networks, vast language models, and systems that seamlessly integrate human behaviors with multimedia outputs.

The Cost of Achieving AGI

The first supercomputer, due for completion by early 2025, will be a formidable machine, comprising Nvidia GPUs, AMD processors, and Tenstorrent server racks, among other cutting-edge hardware.

A Paradigm Shift Towards Continuous Learning and Self-Modification

Goertzel believes that this technological leap is more than just a technological one; it’s a philosophical one. A paradigmatic shift is taking place towards continuous learning, seamless generalization, and reflexive AI self-modification.

Managing the Distributed Network and Data

To manage this distributed network and its precious data, SingularityNET has developed OpenCog Hyperon, an open-source software framework specifically designed for AI systems.

Access to the Supercomputer Network

Users will purchase access to the supercomputer network with the AGIX token on blockchains like Ethereum and Cardano and contribute data to the collective pool, fueling further AGI development.

The Race for AGI

With experts like DeepMind’s Shane Legg predicting human-level AI by 2028, the race is on. Only time will tell if this global network of silicon brains will birth the next great leap in artificial intelligence.

The Merging of AI and Blockchain

The merging of AI and blockchain was inevitable. But what will it mean?

AI & Big Data Expo

Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London.

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SingularityNET’s journey towards AGI is an exciting step in the evolution of artificial intelligence. With the first supercomputer set to launch in September, we are one step closer to realizing the potential of AGI.

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