Research Shows that Tech Knowledge is Going to be a Must in Every Field in the Upcoming 10 Years

Per Scholas, a national nonprofit tech organization did research with the help of OnePoll that shows by the end of year 2033, all the jobs will be tech based. The survey was done among 650 chief executives, 100 hiring managers and 1500 regular workers of different companies. The purpose of the research was to find the trend of technology based equipment among workers. The survey also found out for which type of jobs will technology play an essential role in the upcoming 10 years.

The survey concluded that 98% CEOs think that tech knowledge is going to be a must part of jobs in the coming years. 75% of the workers weren’t sure about their answer as most of them said that they think that tech skills will be important but not essential for jobs in the next 10 years. Even though the survey shows the trends in work spaces in the next 10 years, the research also shows that 57% of the workers are already learning new technology so they don’t be left behind in the tech race and lose their jobs. In the survey, 95% of Gen-Z were said to be learning new technology while in Gen-X, the percentage was 65%. 55% millennials are also learning new forms of technology to excel in their work.

What type of technology are workers from different types of jobs trying to learn? The research shows that 43% of the workers say that they are learning more about different apps, softwares, data science and artificial intelligence. Damien Howard, Chief Enterprise Solutions Officer at Per Scholas says that the data this research brings shows that companies are not intimidated to learn new forms of technology because technology can bring innovative, skillful and sustainable environments to their work. Although, some companies are not ready for the change. The reason lies in the fact that they don’t have a proper infrastructure of capital to do so.

45% CEOs say that they prefer hiring individuals with a 4 years degree, before anything else. But 44% say they choose individuals with strong command over tech to be the preference over a 4 years degree program. Damien Howard says that the trends in the companies are changing with the rapid change in working mediums. The authorities of the company want individuals with skills as well as tech knowledge to bring innovation and freshness to their work. Millennials know how important tech is as they have grown when the world was evolving in terms of technology. So, this group of people(27 years to 42 years) knows how important people with tech skills can bring into the work.

There are some skills that are very much in demand. IT tops the list with 39% employers looking for individuals with this skill set. AI and Cybersecurity come next with 29% and 28% demand respectively. When interviewing individuals, 63% employers demand technical knowledge to be the must. 49% look for communication skills while project management comes at 43%. Another interesting thing to be mentioned here is that 65% recruiters hire people with new ideas and perspectives, 42% recruiters prefer hiring individuals from different races and ethnicities.

The institutions where work is rapidly being shifted to technology are Engineering (79%), Education (71%) and tech (71%). The institutions with least upskilling rates are hospitality (49%), Banking (54%), Medical (58%). After tech, workers are also training in project management (38%), customer service (37%), graphic designing (36%) and leadership (36%).

Tech talent and skills can bring economic and well equipped changes to companies. Companies with the latest modes of work, diversity and opportunities can excel the most in the next 10 years.

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