
Re: use of API and sending data between client and…






Dell laptop

Operating System

windows 10


My Question or Issue

I’m creating a python script for a project where the program takes a users playlist and recreates that playlist onto youtube.  I’m trying to do this through a client server network.  the users details are filled in on the client’s side and then information required by the server is sent to the server for the use with spotify api.  However, when I try to create a spotify api client on the server side it come up with an error:


“line 1990, in _get_id raise SpotifyException(400, -1, “Unsupported URL / URI.”)


spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: http status: 400, code:-1 – Unsupported URL / URI., reason: None”


This error occurs when I run the line:

playlists = self.spotify.user_playlist_tracks(self.spotify_username, uri, limit=100

 “self.spotify” being the API client that I created:

self.spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth=self.token, requests_timeout=10, retries=10)

If anyone knows how to resolve this or any other method I could use please let me know.

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