
python-tgpt · PyPI



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>>> from pytgpt.leo import LEO
>>> bot = LEO()
>>> bot.chat('Hello there')
"  Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat?"

This project enables seamless interaction with free LLMs without requiring an API Key.

The name python-tgpt draws inspiration from its parent project tgpt, which operates on Golang. Through this Python adaptation, users can effortlessly engage with a number of free LLMs available as well as OpenAI’s Chapytgpt models, fostering a smoother AI interaction experience.


  • 🗨️ Enhanced conversational chat experience
  • 💾 Capability to save prompts and responses (Conversation)
  • 🔄 Ability to load previous conversations
  • ⌨️ Command-line interface
  • 🐍 Python package
  • 🌊 Stream and non-stream response
  • 🚀 Ready to use (No API key required)
  • ⛓️ Chained requests via proxy
  • 🤖 Pass awesome-chapytgpt prompts easily
  • 🧠 Multiple LLM providers


These are simply the hosts of the LLMs, which include:

  1. LeoBrave
  2. FakeOpen
  3. Koboldai
  4. OpenGPTs
  5. OpenAI (API key required)
  6. WebChatGPTOpenAI (Session ID required)
  7. BardGoogle (Session ID required)


Installation and Usage


Download binaries for your system from here.

Alternatively, you can install non-binaries. (Recommended)

Choose one of the following methods to get started.

  1. From PyPI:

    pip install --upgrade python-tgpt
  2. Directly from the source:

    pip install git+https://github.com/Simatwa/python-tgpt.git
  3. Clone and Install:

    git clone https://github.com/Simatwa/python-tgpt.git
    cd python-tgpt
    pip install .


This package offers a convenient command-line interface.

Note : leo is the default provider.

Make use of flag --provider postfixed with the provider name of your choice. e.g --provider koboldai

You can also simply use pytgpt instead of python -m pytgpt.

Starting from version 0.2.7, running $ pytgpt without any other command or option will automatically enter the interactive mode. Otherwise, you’ll need to explicitly declare the desired action, for example, by running $ pytgpt generate.

Developer Docs

  1. Generate a quick response
from pytgpt.leo import LEO
bot = LEO()
resp = bot.chat('<Your prompt>')
# Output : How may I help you.
  1. Get back whole response
from pytgpt.leo import LEO
bot = LEO()
resp = bot.ask('<Your Prompt')
# Output
{'completion': "I'm so excited to share with you the incredible experiences...", 'stop_reason': None, 'truncated': False, 'stop': None, 'model': 'llama-2-13b-chat', 'log_id': 'cmpl-3NmRt5A5Djqo2jXtXLBwJ2', 'exception': None}

Stream Response

Just add parameter stream with value true.

  1. Text Generated only
from pytgpt.leo import LEO
bot = LEO()
resp = bot.chat('<Your prompt>', stream=True)
for value in resp:
# output
How may
How may I help 
How may I help you
How may I help you today?
  1. Whole Response
from pytgpt.leo import LEO
bot = LEO()
resp = bot.ask('<Your Prompt>', stream=True)
for value in resp:
# Output
{'completion': "I'm so", 'stop_reason': None, 'truncated': False, 'stop': None, 'model': 'llama-2-13b-chat', 'log_id': 'cmpl-3NmRt5A5Djqo2jXtXLBwxx', 'exception': None}

{'completion': "I'm so excited to share with.", 'stop_reason': None, 'truncated': False, 'stop': None, 'model': 'llama-2-13b-chat', 'log_id': 'cmpl-3NmRt5A5Djqo2jXtXLBwxx', 'exception': None}

{'completion': "I'm so excited to share with you the incredible ", 'stop_reason': None, 'truncated': False, 'stop': None, 'model': 'llama-2-13b-chat', 'log_id': 'cmpl-3NmRt5A5Djqo2jXtXLBwxx', 'exception': None}

{'completion': "I'm so excited to share with you the incredible experiences...", 'stop_reason': None, 'truncated': False, 'stop': None, 'model': 'llama-2-13b-chat', 'log_id': 'cmpl-3NmRt5A5Djqo2jXtXLBwxx', 'exception': None}

Note : All providers have got a common class methods.


import pytgpt.openai as openai
bot = openai.OPENAI("<OPENAI-API-KEY>")


import pytgpt.koboldai as koboldai
bot = koboldai.KOBOLDAI()


import pytgpt.fakeopen as fakeopen
bot = fakeopen.FAKEOPEN()


import pytgpt.opengpt as opengpt
bot = opengpt.OPENGPT()


import pytgpt.bard as bard
bot = bard.BARD('<Path-to-bard.google.com.cookies.json>')

To obtain more tailored responses, consider utilizing optimizers using the optimizer parameter. Its values can be set to either code or system_command.

from pytgpt.leo import LEO
bot = LEO()
resp = bot.ask('<Your Prompt>', optimizer='code')

Note: Commencing from v0.1.0, the default mode of interaction is conversational. This mode enhances the interactive experience, offering better control over the chat history. By associating previous prompts and responses, it tailors conversations for a more engaging experience.

You can still disable the mode:

bot = koboldai.KOBOLDAI(is_conversation=False)

Utilize the --disable-conversation flag in the console to achieve the same functionality.

Warning : Bard and WebChatGPT autohandles context due to the obvious reason; the is_conversation parameter is not necessary at all hence not required when initializing the respective classes.

For more usage info run $ pytgpt --help


  1. tgpt
  2. You

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