
Python senior developer for Davinci Resolve Studio automation — 2

We look for a Davinci Resolve Studio scripting expert. We want to automate some steps


– render videos with different text.

… – Text fetched on start of the rendering

… – Text provided by CSV, and each line is one rendered video

– save and archive projects, to have a version tracking

– and other requirements

a free davinci version can be downloaded here: [login to view URL]


You have to have a Davinci Resolve Studio installed and you have already implemented automations with davinci. Preferably python.


you have a proof that you did this already in the past! We want to see your proof with a short screen recording where you explain some of the things

If you are new to davinci, we recommend you to install it locally and to run one youtube tutorial.

If required we can share you a davinci project file for MS1. (request it, if you are not able to run a video tutorial)

Good starting point is this sample code in python for davinci: [login to view URL]



Implement a part automation where the user is getting asked on opening the project and he/she requires to enter mandatory a set of values which will be used for the rendering:

Assume you have a video which is sending wishes to a birthday (you can fake something). Now you have to replace some texts on the video with these texts:

– a salutation of the wish taker

– a given name of the wish taker

– a surname of the wish taker

– a salutation of the wish giver

– a given name of the wish giver

– a surname of the wish giver


do the same but now read the data from a csv, if csv is available

use the first row after heading row

If csv is not available => ask user like in MS1


now extend the rendering so that each row in the csv is one rendered video


– clean coding

– well documented code

– coding in best practices as of python and davinci coding

Your background is:

– multiple years of experience with davinci resolve scripting

– multiple years of experience with REST APIs

If you are a good fit, you are open to get more tasks about implementing solutions fully on your own (e.g. with your team)


will not be disclosed, place your best bid to get considered

What is next?

We will share you a NDA and afterwards a paid test task.


– you estimate in a WBS (optimistic, expected, pessimistic, where optimistic < expected < pessimistic) after getting the task

– we discuss about clearances and effort

– we mutually agree to effort

– we assign you the task after mutually agreed

– you implement, test and deliver

– you document each required step to make interaction of systems to work

– we test on our premise (you maybe help to fix issues)

– we pay

(basically the rules of freelancer)

Closed book vs open book?

We work only on open book.

Closed book means you are unwilling to define a WBS for the work and you add only a price tag to the task.

We are sorry we will not hire you in such a case!


– in our on premise git (access will be granted to you)

– full sources

– either a screen recording showing it is working at your end or a video call demoing the working state per milestone

– libs, need prior confirm and we prefer to use mostly latest stable versions

– davinci resolve 17.4+

– you may require to help us here on setup to run your code

– working on our premise

– test period per milestone before releasing (if representitive is getting ill up to 4weeks per milestone)



DaVinci Resolve

Robotic Process Automation

Project ID: #37692651

About the project

22 proposals

Open for bidding

Remote project

Active 2 mins ago

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