
Python fastest read/write and disjoint set union (union find) code for competitive programing?

There is this problem that I’ve solved in many different languages but not in Python, because it hits the timeout of 2 seconds. It misses just 5% though, so any slight performance improvement could be enough to make it pass. It is about “Disjoint Set Union (Union Find)“.

After testing dozens of versions, I selected the one below, which seems to have best performance in the online judge:

from os import read
from os import fstat
from sys import stdout as out

def inputIter():
    vs = 0
    for v in read(0, fstat(0).st_size):
        if v >= 48:
            vs *= 10
            vs += v - 48
            yield vs
            vs = 0
iterator = inputIter()

ga = 0
gb = 0
def linka(a):
    va = arr[a]
    mi = 0
    if va == a:
        global ga
        ga = a
        mi = linkb(gb)
        mi = linka(va)
    arr[a] = mi
    return mi
def linkb(a):
    va = arr[a]
    mi = 0
    if va == a:
        mi = min(a, ga)
        mi = linkb(va)
    arr[a] = mi
    return mi

isNotFirst = 0
    while 1:
        students = next(iterator)
        relations = next(iterator)
        queries = next(iterator)

        arr = [0] * (students + 1)
        for i in range(1, students + 1):
            arr[i] = i
        for i in range(relations):
            a = next(iterator)
            gb = next(iterator)

        for i in range(1,students + 1):
            a = arr[i]
            if a < i:
                arr[i] = arr[a]
        outbuff = ['N'] * queries
        for i in range(queries):
            if arr[next(iterator)] == arr[next(iterator)]:
                outbuff[i] = 'S'
        out.write("\n" * isNotFirst + "\n".join(outbuff) + "\n")
        isNotFirst = 1

except StopIteration:

Code measurements have shown that the input reading is the bottleneck, but I can’t make it faster.

Other things I tested which seem to perform slightly worse:

  • switching [0] * n for list comprehensions, array.array or numpy
  • shrink output code:
outbuff = [('S' if arr[next(iterator)] == arr[next(iterator)] else 'N') for _ in range(consultas)]
out.write("\n" * isNotFirst + "\n".join(outbuff) + "\n")
isNotFirst = 1
  • make the link function non-recursive
def link2(a, b):
    stack = []
    va = arr[a]
    while va != a:
        a = va
        va = arr[a]
    vb = arr[b]
    while vb != b:
        b = vb
        vb = arr[b]
    root1 = min(va, vb)
    root2 = max(va, vb)
    arr[root2] = root1
    for v in stack:
        arr[v] = root1
    return root1
  • different approach which collects all relations and then navigates through them, producing a solution O(n):
arr = [0] * (students + 1)
rels = [[] for i in range(students + 1)]

for i in range(relations):

for i in range(1, students + 1):


def linknodes(i):
    linkrel(i, i)

def linkrel(current, groupid):
    if arr[current] == 0:
        arr[current] = groupid
        lst = rels[current]
        for friend in lst:
            linkrel(friend, groupid)


def linknodes(groupid):
    ni = 0
    nodes = [groupid]
    while ni < len(nodes):
        n = nodes[ni]
        ni += 1
        if arr[n] == 0:
            arr[n] = groupid
            lst = rels[n]
            if len(lst) > 0:

So, is there anything else I can try? Thanks in advance!

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