
Python App Layout Fix | Freelancer

I need assistance with making changes to a Python app that I use to generate exams. Specifically, I am looking to receive a noticeable enhancement of the layout in the exported PDFs from the app.

Key Changes Required:

– Line Spacing: The text in the generated PDFs is currently too cramped and hard to read. I would like to increase the line spacing of the text to 1.5 in the exported PDFs. This change should improve readability and overall user experience.

– Interface Change: This modification will particularly affect the PDF export page. So, a good understanding of the user interface design and Python’s GUI (Graphical User Interface) libraries (like Tkinter or PyQt) is required.

Ideal skills and experience:

– Strong experience with Python, especially working on applications that generate PDFs.

– Familiarity with enhancing the user interface of Python applications, specifically those related to PDF export functions.

Your mission will be to help us ensure that our app is user-friendly and produces the most readable and well-structured PDFs. Despite the seemingly small task, your improvement will have a big impact on the overall usability of the product.


Software Architecture




Project ID: #37722711

About the project

19 proposals

Open for bidding

Remote project

Active 2 mins ago

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