
powershell – ArcGIS Python API: does the target server know if the script was launched from Windows admin account?

I wrote a Python script which basically connects to an ArcGIS Enterprise server and checks Items’ dependencies.

The script uses built-in admin account credentials of the ArcGIS system. There are no other credentials involved in the code.

The script is stored on a remote Windows server.

I connect to the server as an admin, open Powershell terminal in non-admin mode (execution policy is Bypass) and run the script. It works fine.

Other user connects to to the server as non-admin, opens Powershell terminal in non-admin mode (execution policy is Bypass) and runs the script. He gets error from ArcGIS Enterprise server: "Error 403. Exception: you do not have permissions to access this resource or perform this operation".

I already ruled out the possibility that there are some local permissions issues on the Windows server and also quadruple-checked that the user Roles and Permissions are correct in ArcGIS.

My question is: when i connect to the remote Windows server via RDP as an admin and launch a Python script via Powershell terminal in non-dmin mode, can the target server (in my case the ArcGIS server) somehow be aware that the script was launched from an administrative Windows account?

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