
Postfix, OpenJDK, Firefox-ESR, Python-Asyncssh, Debian-Secruity-Support, Xorg-Server updates for Debian

A new Debian Linux update has been published: Postfix, OpenJDK, Firefox-ESR, Python-Asyncssh, Debian-Secruity-Support, Xorg-Server updates for Debian

Postfix, OpenJDK, Firefox-ESR, Python-Asyncssh, Debian-Secruity-Support, Xorg-Server updates for Debian

The following security updates are available for Debian GNU/Linux:

ELA-1039-1 postfix security update
[DLA 3728-1] openjdk-11 security update
[DLA 3727-1] firefox-esr security update
[DLA 3730-1] python-asyncssh security update
[DLA 3729-1] debian-security-support security update
ELA-1040-1 xorg-server security update

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