I have a thread dedicated to reading frames from a camera, aiming to read at a specific frequency (self.target_fps
). Therefore, I need to perform a read every self.target_frequency = 1 / self.target_fps
The video thread runs a loop where it reads at each iteration, regardless of the target frequency (target_fps), to empty the VideoCapture buffer (particularly useful when self.target_fps is low, for example, 1 fps). After the read, I want to add the frame to a queue only if it’s the right time, i.e., if a time interval equal to self.target_frequency has passed. The “start
” timer helps me determine when it’s time to enqueue the frame and when it’s not. Are there better approaches for efficiently reading frames from an RTSP camera and achieving a reasonably accurate frame rate?
self.target_fps = 7
self.target_frequency = 1 / self.target_fps
start = time.time()
while not self.stop_video_thread.is_set():
success, frame = cap.read()
interval = time.time() - start
if interval >= self.target_frequency:
start = time.time()
if success: