
Most Popular NVIDIA Technical Blog Posts of 2023: Generative AI, LLMs, Robotics, and Virtual Worlds Breakthroughs

As we approach the end of another exciting year at NVIDIA, it’s time to look back at the most popular stories from the NVIDIA Technical Blog in 2023.

Groundbreaking research and developments in fields such as generative AI, large language models (LLMs), high-performance computing (HPC), and robotics are leading the way in transformative AI solutions and capturing the interest of our readers. Other top posts explore advancements in video technology and video conferencing, enhancing the user experience, alongside breakthroughs in AI security.

The following are some of the highlights from 2023.

A group of different animals standing together.
Person in a video conference using Eye Contact feature with eye contact directly at the camera.
TensorRTLLM illustration.
NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit
NeMo Guardrails illustration.
LLM workflow demo.
Two men working at a desktop computer in an office.

NVIDIA AI Red Team: An Introduction

The NVIDIA AI Red Team details its approach to assessing and mitigating risks in AI and machine learning systems from an information security standpoint. A group of security professionals and data scientists, they aim to identify and address risks related to technical vulnerabilities, harm and abuse scenarios, and other security challenges in ML systems.

Grace CPU Superchip illustration.

NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip Architecture In-Depth

Take an in-depth look at the architecture and features of the NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip. Offering major advancements in compute density and power efficiency, the Grace CPU excels in memory bandwidth and data movement efficiency, making it a powerhouse for HPC and AI workloads.

A side-by-side comparison of two versions of a graphic.
TensorRT-LLM improves ease of use and extensibility through an open-source modular Python API for defining, optimizing, and executing new architectures and enhancements as LLMs evolve, and can be customized easily.

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