Mark Zuckerberg Drops F-Bomb While Discussing His Excitement For Closed vs Open-Source AI At Meta

It looks like Mark Zuckerberg clearly cannot control his excitement when it comes to discussing open vs closed-source AI.

Meta’s CEO got a little too enthusiastic during his last interview with the CEO of Nvidia and it’s apparent why because it comes at a time when the company is all set to launch its latest open-source Llama 3.1 model.

The live conversation featured a very overly excited Zuckerberg who was seen speaking about the future of AI alongside his co-guest Jensen Huang from Nvidia. Both tech leaders also revealed their opinions regarding the virtual world at the industry conference dubbed SIGGRAPH 2024.

One day, Zuckerberg feels each firm will design its own personal AI that would be quite like having your own customized social media profile. And Nvidia’s head couldn’t praise Zuckerberg more about how massive and great last year’s launch of Llama 2 was.

Zuckerberg couldn’t help but shed light on how he adores open source models and it’s to an extent that he finds it selfish. But the desire is never-ending to have his firm curate the tech that it requires to ensure the best social experiences.

The leading platform owner explained how he’s designed a lot of things and while some have been massively successful, others not so much. For him, closed platforms are not worth it and shouldn’t be there. It makes him upset to a great extent, he continued.

If you ask us, we’re not too surprised to see Zuckerberg’s emotions run high on this front. Remember, Meta’s Llama 3.1 model is certainly the biggest one of its kind. It’s going to be accessible and modifiable to all and it could also be distributed through the source code.

Zuckerberg is the most hopeful that the upcoming computing world will go back to a time when everything is an open ecosystem. He further went on to roll out the right manifesto that explains why open-source is the future and the way to go.

In comparison to other firms that opt for the close-source maneuver, especially ChatGPT maker OpenAI, Meta’s CEO feels it’s time to close the gap and therefore he pointed toward the cheapest production costs and best performance statistics that this kind of technology can deliver.

A host of industry leaders such as Zuckerberg’s archrival Musk were quick to praise him and the company for making Llama 3.1 open-sourced. Other tech leaders have long argued that open sourcing-is beneficial for all as it gives rise to greater transparency and more safety.

At the end of the day, Zuckerberg knows that two options will always exist. One has to do with open source and the other one is closed source. In general, there’s great value when you’re dealing with open-sourced software, he mentioned in the end.

Image: NVIDIA / YT

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