
Machine learning of large data set

I am looking for a machine learning expert to work on a project involving predictive modeling of a medium-sized dataset (1-50GB). I am open to suggestions on the specific machine learning algorithm to be used.

Skills and Experience:

– Strong background in machine learning and predictive modeling

– Experience working with medium-sized datasets

– Proficiency in various machine learning algorithms and techniques

– Ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of data

– Knowledge of data preprocessing and feature engineering techniques

– Familiarity with data visualization tools

– Strong programming skills in languages such as Python or R

– Good understanding of statistical concepts and methods

The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of successfully implementing machine learning projects and be able to provide recommendations on the most suitable approach for our specific dataset and goals.

Machine Learning (ML)

Data Processing

Project ID: #37596003

About the project

6 proposals

Open for bidding

Remote project

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