
linux – Inconsistent Page Loading Issue in Python App

I had problems with my Python app. The app itself works with databases, saving and retrieving data. The app works pretty well but has one problem, as you can see in the video. When you click on “Comentar,” sometimes it shows the page correctly, but sometimes it doesn’t. I would say 30% of the time, the app renders the HTML with the data, while the other 70% shows a 404 error.

The app is just an MVP. I deployed it on a Cloud Linux Shared Server with these specs: 1 GB of RAM, 1 CPU, and 2GB of storage.

App Information:

  • Back: Python: Flask, PyMySQL, Bcrypt.
  • Front: Jinja, Bootstrap 5, Jquery.

For now, just have one user.

I double-checked my code, and all the routes are correct. Locally, the app works well.


I checked my code, including routes, methods, controllers, models, and HTML, and reviewed the query.

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