
Large Language Models Bootcamp | Data Science Dojo

In collaboration with
Build LLM Apps using LangChain. Learn about LangChain’s key components such as Models, Prompts, Parsers, Memory, Chains, and Question-Answering. Get hands-on evaluation experience.

  • Introduction to LangChain
    • Schema, Models, and Prompts
    • Memory, Chains
  • Loading, Transforming, Indexing, and Retrieving data
    • Document loader
    • Text splitters
    • Retrievers
  • LangChain Use Cases
    • Summarization – Summarizing long documents
    • Question & Answering Using Documents As Context
    • Extraction – Getting structured data from unstructured text
    • Evaluation – Evaluating outputs generated from LLM models
    • Querying Tabular Data – without using any extra code
  • Hands-on Exercise: 
    • Using LangChain loader, splitter, retrievals on a pdf document

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