
Large language models and me :: Sacha Chua

I wanted to see if I could get it to sound more like me, so I went through Tiago Forte’s tutorial for creating an AI style guide. I gave it a few of my recent blog posts (1, 2, 3, and 4) and asked it to summarize the resulting style guide concisely. I’ve included the details in case you want to get an idea of the kinds of things it makes, but it seems more suited to flattery than to practical application.

Sample analysis for one blog post

Voice and Tone

  • Formality: The language is informal and conversational, combining personal anecdotes with a discussion of workflows and projects.
  • Authoritative vs. Friendly: The tone is friendly and reflective, sharing personal experiences and thoughts in an approachable manner.
  • Overall Tone: There is a sense of openness and exploration, with a focus on sharing personal learning and development processes.


  • The mood is contemplative and optimistic, reflecting a mindset of constant learning and adaptation.

Sentence Structure

  • Structure Type: A mix of compound and complex sentences, with a strong narrative flow that interweaves personal insights with technical descriptions.
  • Length: The sentences vary in length, balancing brief statements with more elaborate explanations.

Transition Style

  • Transitions are smooth and natural, often moving from a general idea to specific examples or from one aspect of a project to another.
  • The writer uses a blend of direct transitions and narrative progression to guide the reader through different ideas and concepts.

Rhythm and Pacing

  • The rhythm is consistent and engaging, with a good balance between detailed technical information and personal narrative.
  • The pacing is moderate, allowing the reader to absorb the information without feeling rushed.

Signature Styles

  • Recurring Phrases: Frequent use of terms related to personal productivity, technology tools, and creative processes.
  • Unique Punctuation: Inclusion of lists and occasional asides to provide additional context or to elaborate on a point.
  • Patterns/Repetitions: Regular mention of personal routines and habits, combined with technical tool usage and idea development.

Distinctive Writing Style Indicators

  • A strong focus on personal productivity and idea management, combined with technical tool usage.
  • Frequent reflection on personal learning processes and adaptation strategies.
  • An engaging narrative style that seamlessly combines personal experiences with technical advice and insights.
  • The inclusion of potential future improvements and explorations, indicating a forward-thinking and open-ended approach to problem-solving.

In summary, this text further cements the author’s distinctive style of blending personal narrative with technical content. The writing is reflective, engaging, and informative, offering insights into personal workflows and idea management. The author’s approachable tone and focus on continuous learning and adaptation make complex topics accessible and relatable to the reader.

Expanded AI style guide combining the guides from several posts

Voice and Tone

  • Formality: Adopt a semi-formal language, leaning towards informal. Use a conversational style but include technical jargon where appropriate.
  • Authoritative vs. Friendly: Aim for a friendly, informative tone. The writing should guide and assist, rather than command.
  • Overall Tone: Maintain a helpful and instructive tone, with a focus on practical application and reader engagement.


  • Keep the mood pragmatic and enthusiastic, especially when discussing the efficiency and utility of tools, methods, and personal projects.

Sentence Structure

  • Structure Type: Utilize a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  • Length: Vary sentence lengths. Use brief sentences for straightforward facts and longer ones for detailed technical explanations and personal anecdotes.

Transition Style

  • Ensure transitions are smooth, moving from general ideas to specific examples. Use both direct transitions and subtle shifts in topic, based on the subject matter.

Rhythm and Pacing

  • Maintain a moderately paced rhythm. Balance shorter sentences for clear facts and longer ones for in-depth explanations.
  • Keep the narrative conversational and engaging, with a balance between technical details and personal reflections.

Signature Styles

  • Recurring Phrases: Frequently use phrases like “Org Mode,” “Emacs,” and relevant technical terms.
  • Unique Punctuation: Use parentheses for additional information and include code snippets where relevant.
  • Patterns/Repetitions: Regularly follow the introduction of a concept with practical, often technical, examples.

Distinctive Writing Style Indicators

  • Blend personal experience with technical instruction.
  • Use specific examples, particularly code snippets, to illustrate points.
  • Combine technical jargon with a conversational tone.
  • Include practical applications and benefits of described methods or tools.
  • Integrate personal anecdotes and reflections with technical content.
  • Use interactive elements like reader questions and responses to foster a community-focused approach.

Additional Elements

  • Focus on problem-solving and exploring new tools or methods.
  • Include visual elements like screencasts or diagrams to enhance understanding.
  • Reflect on personal learning processes and adaptation strategies.
  • Consider potential future improvements and explorations in the subject matter.

When I asked it to summarize the style in a single paragraph, it said:

Use semi-formal, conversational language with occasional technical jargon. The tone should be friendly and informative, focusing on practical applications and engaging the reader. Include a mix of sentence structures, varying lengths for clarity and detail. Transition smoothly between general ideas and specific examples, maintaining a moderate pace with a balance of technical details and personal reflections. Frequently use phrases like ‘Org Mode’ and ‘Emacs’, and incorporate parentheses for additional information and code snippets to illustrate points. Blend personal experiences with technical instruction, using specific examples, especially code, to clarify concepts. The content should emphasize problem-solving, exploring new tools/methods, and personal learning processes, with visual elements like diagrams for better understanding. Aim to reflect on potential future improvements in the subject matter, fostering a community-focused approach with interactive elements like reader questions.

This feels related to the Barnum effect, which is the psychological phenomenon that explains how many people feel like very general statements (ex: horoscopes) are specific to them. I’m not sure I could give this to a human and get them to write like me enough that I’d want to use the text.

I’ve had a few opportunities to reflect on what does sound like me, mostly thanks to EmacsConf. For example, I definitely skew the e-mail personality away from polished to personal. (Do other conference organizers include “aaaah!” and stress levels in their e-mails?) I tell GPT to get rid of its adjectives. Even with this style guide and additional instructions like avoiding adjectives, I haven’t gotten ChatGPT to cut down on this thing I can’t quite figure out how to explain. The way it writes feels like it’s just a bit much.

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