
 IJDL Policy on Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models-Based Tools – ETAD Café Canadien

IJDL (International Journal of Designs for Learning) has adopted a new policy on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs)-Based Tools. The full text of the policy is located on the Author Guidelines page

The general guiding principle for this policy is as follows:

The International Journal of Designs for Learning (IJDL) does not prevent the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs)-based tools for authoring/developing design cases, nor does it encourage/permit the unlimited use of these tools. IJDL calls on authors/designers to hold themselves ethically responsible/accountable for all what they do with GenAI and LLMs-based tools, including experimentation.

We look forward to your contributions and continued support of this venue for scholarly research in designs for learning!

Kind Regards,

The IJDL Editorial Team:

Elizabeth Boling, Editor-in-Chief

Justin Sentz, Assistant Editor

Colin Gray, Board Member & Editorial Assistant

Ahmed Lachheb, Editorial Assistant

Matthew Brown, Assistant Editor

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