
Identification of novel potential homologous repair deficiency-associated genes in pancreatic adenocarcinoma via WGCNA coexpression network analysis and machine learning

Homologous repair deficiency (HRD) impedes double-strand break repair, which is a common driver of carcinogenesis. Positive HRD status can be used as theranostic markers of response to platinum- and PARP inhibitor-based chemotherapies. Here, we aimed to fully investigate the therapeutic and prognostic potential of HRD in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) and identify effective biomarkers related to HRD using comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. The HRD score was defined as the unweighted sum of the LOH, TAI, and LST scores, and it was obtained based on the previous literature. To characterize PAAD immune infiltration subtypes, the “ConsensusClusterPlus” package in R was used to conduct unsupervised clustering. A WGCNA was conducted to elucidate the gene coexpression modules and hub genes in the HRD-related gene module of PAAD. The functional enrichment study was performed using Metascape. LASSO analysis was performed using the “glmnet” package in R, while the random forest algorithm was realized using the “randomForest” package in R. The prognostic variables were evaluated using univariate Cox analysis. The prognostic risk model was built using the LASSO approach. ROC curve and KM survival analyses were performed to assess the prognostic potential of the risk model. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the PARP inhibitors was estimated using the “pRRophetic” package in R and the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer database. The “rms” package in R was used to create the nomogram. A high HRD score indicated a poor prognosis and an advanced clinical process in PAAD patients. PAAD tumors with high HRD levels revealed significant T helper lymphocyte depletion, upregulated levels of cancer stem cells, and increased sensitivity to rucaparib, Olaparib, and veliparib. Using WGCNA, 11 coexpression modules were obtained. The red module and 122 hub genes were identified as the most correlated with HRD in PAAD. Functional enrichment analysis revealed that the 122 hub genes were mainly concentrated in cell cycle pathways. One novel HRD-related gene signature consisting of CKS1B, HJURP, and TPX2 were screened via LASSO analysis and a random forest algorithm, and they were validated using independent validation sets. No direct association between HRD and CKS1B, HJURP, or TPX2 has not been reported in the literature so far. Thus, these findings indicated that CKS1B, HJURP, and TPX2 have potential as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for PAAD. We constructed a novel HRD-related prognostic model that provides new insights into PAAD prognosis and immunotherapy. Based on bioinformatics analysis, we comprehensively explored the therapeutic and prognostic potential of HRD in PAAD. One novel HRD-related gene signature consisting of CKS1B, HJURP, and TPX2 were identified through the combination of WGCNA, LASSO analysis and a random forest algorithm. A novel HRD-related risk model that can predict clinical prognosis and immunotherapeutic response in PAAD patients was constructed.


ICGC data portal; Pancreatic adenocarcinoma; The Cancer Genome Atlas program; cancer immunotherapy; tumour biomarkers.

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