
Hugging Face and Google Cloud: Collaboration on generative AI and machine learning

Hugging Face and Google Cloud: Collaboration on generative AI and machine learning

Hugging Face is the well-known development platform specialized in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Founded in 2016, it has gained popularity for the tools it integrates and makes available to developers interested in deploying, sharing and using machine learning models efficiently.

It is a truly open ecosystem that offers a wide range of tools and resources for developers of software-based solutions.artificial intelligence. On Hugging Face you can easily find and use pre-trained open source generative models, specialized in various areas. Some process texts, others images, others audio content, others still multimodal.

Developers can test and visualize the behavior of the models in real time, through the platform interface. There is also the possibility of share templates with the community, so as to encourage collaboration and the birth of new innovative projects.

The collaboration between Hugging Face and Google Cloud

On January 25, 2024, Hugging Face announced that it had started a partnership strategica with Google Cloud, a cloud services platform managed by the Mountain View company. Google Cloud, which recently cleared i exit costsoffers a series of services for cloud computing: compute, storage, databases, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data analytics, networks and much more.

Thanks to the newly signed agreement, Hugging Face users have access to the platforms of machine learning of Google Cloud, such as Vertex AI, and the solution Google Kubernetes Engine (NGO).

GKE is a Google Cloud service that offers a managed implementation of the open source system Kubernetes. Allows you to easily orchestrate and manage the container, providing features such as autoscaling, automated updates, and real-time monitoring. Thanks to GKE it is possible to make the distribution, management and scalability of containerized applications.

Hugging Face, we were saying, hosts numerous models including those for the image generation (Stable Diffusion) by LLM (Large Language Model) Llama 2 by Meta. The “engagement” with Google Cloud will allow small and large companies to benefit, directly from the Hugging Face interface, of the resources available on the platform of the company led by Sundar Pichai. Simplified access to GPUs is also planned NVidia H100 e ai chip AI Google (TPU v5e).

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