How Undetectable AI Works Against Content at Scale’s AI Detector

The rise of ChatGPT and other AI tools has opened a Pandora’s box of possibilities. We can now automate our homework and writing tasks with little to no effort. But with great power comes great responsibility, and the ability to churn out text at this scale fuels concerns about plagiarism and misinformation.

This has created a space in the market for AI detection tools. But few have been as effective as Content at Scale in detecting the slightest hint of AI in text. On the other hand, this has also encouraged developers to create a platform that can humanize AI text so that it wouldn’t be detected easily. And thus, Undetectable AI was born.

And with that, the battle lines are drawn: Undetectable AI, a tool designed to mask AI content invisible, goes toe-to-toe with Content at Scale’s AI Detector, a steadfast sentinel against AI text. Which will prevail?

What are Content at Scale and Undetectable AI?

Content at Scale is an AI-powered content creation and management platform made for businesses who make, well, content at scale. It has features such as a generative AI for content ideation, creation, and tweaking, keyword research, topic clusters, and more. It’s truly one of the best in its already-saturated segment. 

But today, we’re not going to bother about Content at Scale’s other features. Instead, we’re just going to focus on one: AI detection. That’s because we’re going to be pitting it against one of our favorite AI bypassers in the market.

Undetectable AI is a detection bypassing tool made to trick detectors by humanizing AI-generated text. This is possible through a careful rearrangement of the original text and minor intentional mistakes to simulate human writing. It also has output customization for adjusting purpose and readability levels.

And there we have it, two platforms made to be at odds with one another. So, in a head-to-head battle, which one wins? Let’s find out now.

Undetectable AI vs. Content at Scale

For this head-to-head, I’ll be generating the original AI text using ChatGPT. I’m also going to create a total of 8 AI texts, each one having a different readability level or use case.


Original ChatGPT Text — Uncertain if AI.

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Human Writing Detected!

Blog Section

Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Uncertain if AI.

Marketing Copy

Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Human Writing Detected!

Narrative Story

Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Human Writing Detected!

Cover Letter

Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Uncertain if AI.

High School

Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Human Writing Detected!


Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Uncertain if AI.


Original ChatGPT Text — AI Writing Detected!

ChatGPT + Undetectable AI — Human Writing Detected!

The Final Tally and Overall Thoughts

Since we don’t have an exact AI likelihood score from Content at Scale’s free version, we’ll make do with our own scoring matrix. If we were to count “Uncertain” as 50%, then the average score for ChatGPT text is 6.25% and Undetectable AI as 81.25%. Despite not being perfect, adding Undetectable AI to ChatGPT text still results to a 75% increase.

As a humanizer, this proves that Undetectable AI can successfully transform AI text into something that resembles human writing. It’s also worth pointing out that, even if not all of them successfully avoided AI detection, each writing that Undetectable AI tweaked resulted to either “Uncertain” or “Passing”, whereas 7/8 ChatGPT text were detected as AI from the get-go.

However, it’s also important to point out that this is a remarkably small sample size. I still suggest doing your own research before getting Undetectable AI. I will say this though: I rarely have any issues with Undetectable AI in my months reviewing it.

The Bottom Line

This proves that Undetectable AI is impressive in the face of AI detectors. More often than not, it successfully tricked Content at Scale, a detection tool we deemed to be in our top five in accuracy, by performing simple but purposeful tweaking.

That said, heed my advice: Under no circumstance should you use Undetectable AI without further tweaking. Undetectable AI sometimes uses intentional spelling mistakes and grammar errors to mask AI writing. You’d have to undo those errors before they’re publish-worthy.

And most of all, always remember that using AI bypassers require careful ethical consideration. Even Undetectable themselves discourage their audience to use their tool for dishonesty. We have to play our part in developing and supporting AI software only for the benefit of mankind.

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