
How Generative AI Is Shaking Up Education – Smithfield Times

How Generative AI Is Shaking Up Education

Published 9:17 am Thursday, February 1, 2024

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The debate on whether artificial intelligence (AI) is suitable for adoption in schools or not is unending. Contrary to the notion that AI will affect the quality of learning, it has improved the accessibility and quality of learning. Ed-tech technologies have been impactful in improving students’ learning experience. The enthusiasm of educators for adopting artificial intelligence is also a sign that these tools are instrumental in improving the quality of learning. While some schools have banned the use of generative AI by students, others have encouraged its adoption. Let’s check out how this innovation is transforming education.

What Is Generative Artificial Intelligence? 

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Image source: Mart Production on Pexels


Artificial intelligence has gone through various transformative stages. The introduction of generative tools like ChatGPT was the turning point. Generative AI tools are powered by language models that can generate a wide range of content, from poems to essays. All you have to do is prompt it with elaborate questions, and it generates the relevant content.

Computer vision was the landmark of technological advancement; however, generative AI has overtaken it due to its wide adoption. The robust adoption of this tech tool has been because it is easy to generate content. Generative AI tools operate differently when creating content. For example, different tools are used to generate images, compress data, generate texts, and even compose music. The versatility of this innovation has made it possible for education providers to adopt its usage in schools. However, generative tools do not produce accurate essays like expert writers at platforms like payforessay.net. Thus, one needs to add a human touch to the content produced to make it good.

Is Artificial Intelligence Being Adopted in Schools? 

Despite the growing debate on whether students should or should not use AI in schools, it is still evident that it is a growing trend in most institutions. Educational institutions are integrating the use of artificial intelligence into the curriculum, and some have even made the study of artificial intelligence technology a subject that students learn.

Types of Generative Artificial Intelligence 

Generative AI covers a wide range of models, all with an agenda to produce content that resembles human-created content. These models have unique ways of generating content, with the most common one being the following:

  • Generative adversarial networks: this branch of artificial intelligence develops synthetic data in the form of pictures. It can generate a representation of a human face. 
  • Variational autoencoders: allow users to design complicated data and fit them to large datasets. You can also use it to generate fictional faces of celebrities and high-definition artwork. 
  • Autoregressive models: this type of model determines future values derived from past values. 
  • Attention-generative models: these are used to generate detailed images and image captions.
  • Neural style transfer: the tool uses neural networks to edit and develop visually appealing pictures. 
  • DeepDream: it is a Google algorithm used to generate artistic images and transfer styles. 
  • Transformer models: they are used to generate texts and language translation.
  • Recurrent neural networks: the model is used to compose music and generate languages and handwriting. 

Language Translation 

For a long time, language barrier has been a problem for most international students. It’s one of the reasons some have to read payforessay review to find academic writers to help them write assignments. With the introduction of generative artificial intelligence tools, students can now adopt its use to help them improve their language use. These tools can also help students interact with their peers despite their linguistic backgrounds. 

Availability of Information 

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Image source: Thirdman on Pexels


Technology has made it possible for students to search and get answers for a topic they would want to explore. The internet has a plethora of website content, audiobooks, and scholarly articles that can help students advance their knowledge in various areas. The learning resources available online are limitless, and students can find information on their own. With generative AI tech, they can explore various learning opportunities outside class. Hence, they can extend their learning time even after school by searching through the internet and downloading various learning materials and applications. 

Final Thoughts

Artificial intelligence tools are being adopted in schools to streamline the learning process. However, the implementation of this technology has faced several drawbacks, including limited access to resources and teacher training. Compared to conventional digital tools, generative artificial intelligence can predict every student’s learning patterns and create a customized learning experience.

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