
Help with UART on TCM2209 with Micropython and Pico

Hi All

Bare with me here, quite new to everything…

I am trying to learn how to drive stepper motors with MicroPython using TMC2209 v3. So far I figured out how to drive it with steps… And then started learning PWM which lead me down the UART path (to set steps), this is where I’ve hit a wall.

So at this stage I am just trying to understand how to work with UART using TMC2209. I am using Pico and MicroPython (sys.version: 3.4.0; MicroPython v1.22.1 on 2024-01-05)

Code: Select all

from machine import UART, Pin
import utime

uart = UART(0, baudrate=115200, tx=Pin(0), rx=Pin(1))



print("UART Response:", uart.readline())

Response is always “None”. I’ve spent hours trying this and that and I am not having any luck. Any advice would be super appreciated.

Regarding wiring: I am using 1k resistor on GP0, both GP0 and GP1 are jumper-wired to TMC RX pin.


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