
Having problem using ( ) and ? to find the phone number and extension number in a sample text (Regex)(Python)

I am a beginner and I was planning to create a regex to find phone numbers and, if available, the phone extension in a sample text. I am using the option “findall”. I had spent some good time trying and changing the code and this what I thought the most effective. I am having a hard time to understand why the terminal is giving these results.

I am not sure what have I missed here. If I remove the extension section it works fine, but as soon as I add it, it can find anything.

import re

text=" This is my number (801)-804-2121 ext 458, my NEW PHONE IS 375-704-5121,work phone is 805.544.2335 and my wifes is 458 8458"

phoneNumberReg = re.compile(r'''  \(?\d{3}\)?
                                  \D{0,3}   #separating
                                  \D{0,3}    #separating
                                  ''', re.VERBOSE)

resultsPhone = phoneNumberReg.findall(text)


['', '', '']
[('ext', '458'), ('', ''), ('', '')]

Also, If I make the area code as optional to find number 000-0000, it will only find the first part of the number.


['', '', '']
['(801)', '375', '805', '']

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