
git – Python – using external API project

I want to implement this git package in my project https://github.com/caiomborges/Python-XTB-API

But when try to use first function, according to documentation – import line from API import XTB shows an error.

I have Windows 10, Python 3.12.1 and imported websocket-client 1.4.1 and openpyxl 3.0.10 mentioned in documentation.

Steps that have done already:

  • My own project is in directory C:\Users\Użytkownik\Desktop\PY_ROBOT\pyrobot
  • Clone the repository through CLI (C:\Users\Użytkownik\Desktop\PY_ROBOT\Python-XTB-API)
  • Choose directory C:\Users\Użytkownik\Desktop\PY_ROBOT\Python-XTB-API and run in VisualStudioCode Terminal command python3 -m venv env
  • Run command .\env\Scripts\activate.ps1 – works fine
  • Trying to install with command pip install . – generates an error

*ERROR: Directory ‘.’ is not installable. Neither ‘setup.py’ nor ‘pyproject.toml’ found.
So far, as comment say this git project is not instalablle because lack of setup file.

In which way should I configure it to use this API funcions in my .py file?

I tried steps that menttion in details. I am expecting someone show me proper way of configuring it.

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