
Getting attribute error in Python when trying to use the fixture at class level

I am using Selenium Python with Pytest framework and using conftest.py file where I have written a class level fixture

These are the plugins used. I am using Pycharm editor

Conftest.py file


def driverObjectClass1(request):

    global driver

    sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())

    browser = option.browser

    chromeOpts = chrome_options()

    firefoxOpts = firefox_options()

    if option.headless:



    if browser in 'firefox':

        driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=firefoxOpts)


        driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chromeOpts)



    request.cls.driver = driver

    config = load_config()

    logFolder = log_Folder(config['clientID'])

    yield request.cls.driver, config, logFolder



My class test_login.py

import pytest
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

from Pages.page_common import Common


class TestLogin1:

    def test_valid_login(self):

        driver = self.driver

        config = self.config

        logFolder = self.logFolder

        common = Common(driver)


            url = config['URL']

            clientId = config['clientID']

            username = config['username']

            password = config['password']

            app1 = config['app']

            branch = config['branch']

            print(clientId, username, password, app1, branch)

            common.SCHXPLogin(url, clientId, username, password)


        except Exception as e:

            common.logFailure("test_valid_login", logFolder, e)

getting this error/warning when applying the fixture like this. How to fetch the yield objects in the class where the fixture is applied?

Attribute Error

How to resolve this issue?

When I run the test, I get the following error

FAILED test_cases/test_login1.py::TestLogin1::test_valid_login - AttributeError: 'TestLogin1' object has no attribute 'config'

I tried searching a solution but couldn’t find the answer. So I decided to ask here.

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