
Generative AI for Marketers – Trust Insights Marketing Analytics Consulting

This content was originally featured in the December 13th, 2023 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, DECEMBER 13, 2023: GENERATIVE AI FOR MARKETERS, 12 DAYS OF DATA

Generative AI for Marketers

Each week I try to talk you through some kind of problem and solution. This week, I only have solutions to share with you!

AI has shaken up everybody, some have embraced it, others are hoping it will go away. There’s no reason for you to be afraid, I’m very excited to tell you about the Generative AI for Marketers course that we’ve released!

You don’t have to be one of those marketers living in fear; we’ve transformed our super popular full-day workshop into a flexible, self-paced online course. Why? Because we know your time is precious, and learning about AI shouldn’t feel like another chore.

If you want to cut to the chase:
Here’s the link: https://www.trustinsights.ai/aicourse
Here’s the discount code good for $100 through the end of the year: KATIESENTME

If you want to learn more about what you’ll get, keep reading.

Here’s what makes Generative AI for Marketers stand out –

Hands-on Learning for Six Major Use Cases: These are not theoretical use cases, but scenarios that you will, or already, have faced.
Sales Pitch for Internal Stakeholder Buy-In: You’ll be able to talk the “let’s AI everything leaders” off the cliff and back to a realistic starting place.
Guidance on Team Composition: To effectively operate Generative AI, you need more than just someone pushing the buttons.
Building Your Custom AI: Fun fact, I wrote this post with the help of KatieGPT. It’s scary how much she’s starting to sound just like me.
In-Depth Tactical and Strategic AI Knowledge: Gain both the strategic and tactical smarts to steer your team through the AI landscape.
Task Prioritization with AI: It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a lot of new information, so we’ll give you tools to help figure out where to start.
Preview of Upcoming AI Innovations: Gain a sneak peek into the future of AI, including generative video advancements. AI is only going to keep evolving and we want you to be ready for what’s coming.
Certification of Completion: A testament to your commitment and new-found expertise. This will look great on your LinkedIn profile!
Extensive and Engaging Content: Over 20 modules, featuring more than 4 hours of content, exercises, quizzes, and templates. Don’t stress, we broke these modules down into bite-sized pieces, meant for you to come back to over and over.

This course is how you’re not only going to keep up, but you’ll keep getting ahead. It’s about empowering you to be that person in the room who says, “I know where we can start with AI, and how to do it!”

Remember how I said we adapted this from our popular workshop?

Here is real feedback from participants:
Holly B, owner of a marketing agency:
“Great workshop with Christopher Penn. Thank you for leading us through a helpful and insightful day of AI learning and experimentation, real hands-on work.”

Jeff M, growth marketer in the biotech industry:
“AMAZING AI workshop with Christopher Penn. So many new ideas to take back to our team, stuff they can immediately use.”

If you’re not convinced yet, reach out to me. Let’s talk it over, yeah?
Are you ready to jump in with both feet? I have a discount code for you! Use code KATIESENTME to get $100 off right now! (This code is good through the end of the year)

Go get your seat and get started!

I should probably also mention that we’ll be opening up a channel just for course participants in our Free Slack Group, Analytics for Marketers. You’ll get continual support from me, Chris, John, and others that have taken the course.
Join the conversation today!

Happy learning!

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