Uncategorized /g/ – What are the technological implications of a machi – Technology AIGumbo.crew January 1, 2024 No Comments /g/ – What are the technological implications of a machi – Technology – 4chan Anonymous 01/01/24(Mon)13:53:37 No.98203337 What are the technological implications of a machine learning algorithm being objectively more popular (by an absurd margin) than every female entertainer on the planet? >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)13:55:22 No.98203364 >>98203337Based, tits or GTFO >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:00:29 No.98203448 >>98203337Neuro is kino >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:21:10 No.98203780 I really don’t like vtubers and the whole culture around them but neuro is the first actually interesting creative use of AI I’ve seen. The stuff that dev guy is doing linking awareness of chat, games, images, voice recognition etc is really cool. >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:23:06 No.98203799 >>98203337Literally no one cares except for actual, literal basement dwellers and the corpos and whores who milk them for NEETbux. >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:23:39 No.98203806 Don’t you have a whole board for this shit? >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:24:11 No.98203822 >>98203337Womenbros we lost >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:24:46 No.98203830 >>98203780same. Never watched vtubers, but I like the bot >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:27:50 No.98203887 >>98203799I think the fact that one of the basement dwellers built a robot and used it to outcompete said whores and corpos in less than a year is pretty awesome >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:29:50 No.98203923 >>98203887No, he actually has sex with women in real life while milking you for NEETbux. And he probably spends a bunch of your money on the women he fucks. >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:30:37 No.98203935 >>98203923Why do you assume I give him money? >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:32:06 No.98203956 >>98203337GIGANEURO >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:32:19 No.98203959 >>98203935Why do you assume when someone says “you” on an anonymous board while making a general point, they mean literally, singularly you? >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:40:13 No.98204065 Oh looks it’s jinnitty. Fucking whore first did the crying thing (“i’m so thankful to be earning millions of dollars for travelling around the world you guys couldn’t do it without you xoxo”) and then drops ads literally the second the new years eve fireworks ends. >> Anonymous01/01/24(Mon)14:54:54 No.98204326 >>98204065>jinnyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViA40HPM_ns Delete Post: [File Only] Style: YotsubaYotsuba BFutabaBurichanTomorrowPhoton All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. Source link
Machine Learning–Aided Rapid Estimation of Multilevel Capacity of Flexure-Identified Circular Concrete Bridge Columns with Corroded Reinforcement