
Exposing a callback interface from C++ to Python and passing it back to C++

I develop a wrapper of our C++ library for Python users and I have a memory leak when I try to expose a callback interface.

My library code looks like this:

// Simulate our library
namespace library {
    // Callback pure interface
    class Callback{
        virtual ~Callback() {
            // Just for test!
            std::cout << "~Callback() destructed!" << std::endl;
        virtual void onProgress(int progress) = 0;

    // Some library class who gets and stores callback instance
    class Library {
        std::shared_ptr<Callback> callback;
        Library(std::shared_ptr<Callback> _callback)
        : callback { _callback } {
            std::cout << "Library() constructed!" << std::endl;

        ~Library() {
            // Ligrary is free!
            std::cout << "~Library() destructed!" << std::endl;

        void func() {
            // Use callback
            if (callback != nullptr) {

    // Show module is unloaded.
    struct Lifecycle {
        ~Lifecycle() {
            std::cout << "Lifecycle has terminated." << std::endl;

    Lifecycle lc;

Lookup to object LifeCycle. It shows message when our module is unloaded.

Next I have a C++ module with boost::python

#include <boost/python.hpp>

namespace py = boost::python;

namespace {
    // Python wrapper for callback
    struct CallbackWrapper
        : library::Callback
        , py::wrapper<library::Callback>
            virtual void onProgress(int progress) override {

    // Special testing callback
    struct CallbackWrapperTest
        : library::Callback
        , py::wrapper<library::Callback>
            virtual void onProgress(int progress) override {
                std::cout << "TEST: onProgress(" << progress << ")" << std::endl;

    // Creation finctuon
    std::shared_ptr<library::Library> createLibrary(std::shared_ptr<library::Callback> callback) {
        return std::make_shared<library::Library>(callback);

    py::class_<library::Library, boost::noncopyable>(
        .def("__init__", py::make_constructor(&createLibrary))
        .def("func", &library::Library::func)
    py::class_<CallbackWrapper, boost::noncopyable>("Callback");

    py::class_<CallbackWrapperTest, boost::noncopyable>("CallbackTest");

Class CallbackWrapperTest will show the problem late.

My Python code is:

import sys
import callback

class PyCallback(callback.Callback):
    '''Python callback implementation'''
    def onProgress(self, progress):
        print("PY onProgress", progress)

cb = PyCallback()

# Replacing by this works fine but useless
# cb = callback.CallbackTest()

lib = callback.Library(cb)


# explicit library deletion works fine  
# del lib

Note the script doesn’t have function “main”. It is important.

I have an output:

Library() constructed!
PY onProgress 66
Lifecycle has terminated.

There are not messages from destructors! I expect to see

~Library() destructed!
~Callback() destructed!

I realised some strange thinks:

  1. If I wrap script code to a function (e.g. main()) dectructors are called.
  2. If I add explicit deletion del lib desctuctors are called.
  3. If I remove Python inheritance and I replace Python class to pure C++ CallbackTest desctuctors are called.

But only if I do Python derived class I have a memory leak. I suppose the problem in reference counting, but I don’t understand where. Can anybody help me?

The test project is placed on GitHub

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