
Excel Sales Forecast & Future Prediction I need python machine learning forcast developer

I possess an Excel sheet that entails a comprehensive summary of sales data over the last 6 months. The issue is, it lacks a ‘sales’ column, thereby calling for a proficient individual with expert Excel and forecasting capabilities to fill this void by forecasting the ‘crqquantity’ column and providing an accurate prediction model for next month’s sales.

Key requirements include:

– Creation of a predictive model based on the ‘crqquantity’ column.

– Forecast of future sales for the upcoming month.

– Deliver a comprehensible and accessible Excel model for future use.

Ideal Skills & Experience:

– Proficiency in Excel and data forecasting

– Experience in sales predictions model building

– Knowledge in interpreting ‘Product Categories’ data.

Statistical Analysis

Data Processing


Machine Learning (ML)

Data Science

Project ID: #37676509

About the project

7 proposals

Open for bidding

Remote project

Active 39 mins ago

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