
duplicates – Data deduplication by doing grouping using cosine similarity (threshold>0.95) in Python on one text column

removing the similar sentence greater then 0.95 threshold on text column

def deduplicate_datasets(dataset: Dataset, model: str, threshold: float):
    sentence_model = SentenceTransformer(model)
    outputs = [example["response"] for example in dataset['train']]

    print("Converting text to embeddings...")
    embeddings = sentence_model.encode(outputs, show_progress_bar=True)

    print("Filtering out near-duplicates...")
    similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(embeddings)

    to_keep = set()

    for i in tqdm(range(len(embeddings)), desc="Filtering"):
        # Check if either the current item or its nearest neighbor is already in the to_keep set
        if i not in to_keep:

            # Find indices of elements with similarity above the threshold
            similar_indices = np.where(similarity_matrix[i] >= threshold)[0]

            # Add the indices to the to_keep set

    to_keep = list(to_keep)

    dataset = dataset['train'].select(to_keep)
    return DatasetDict({"train": dataset})

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