
Dr. William Casebeer, Director Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning, Riverside Research

Dr. William Casebeer, Director Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning, Riverside Research
Image from PR Newswire

Dr. William Casebeer is a true leader in the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry. His contributions will certainly impact how AI/ML develops in the coming years.


Dr. William Casebeer will be the moderator of POC’s 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet him and the other industry leaders. Reserve your seat here.


Meet Dr. William Casebeer, Riverside Research’s Director of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 


Meet Dr. William Casebeer, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Riverside Research
Image from PR Newswire


Dr. William D. Casebeer, Ph.D., MA, leads the Open Innovation Center at Riverside Research as a Director. As the Director, he is in charge of AI and machine learning.


Dr. William Casebeer led a group of scientists and engineers from different fields at Riverside Research who worked on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Some of their main goals are to make progress in neuromorphic computing, adversarial AI, human-machine teaming, and object and activity recognition. These advances will give the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community new tools.


Educational Background


Dr. William Casebeer has broad academic achievements. Besides his bachelor’s degree, he holds a master’s and Ph.D. title. Let’s take a look at Dr. Casebeer’s educational attainments:

  • 1987 – 1991: Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Government
  • 1995 – 1996: Master of Arts in Philosophy
  • 1998 – 2001: Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Science and Philosophy
  • 2004 – 2006: Master of Arts in National Security Affairs at Naval Postgraduate School


Dr. William Casebeer: Moderator at the 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit


10th Annual Defense R&D Summit


Potomac Officers Club invited prominent leaders and experts to speak at the 10th Annual Defense R&D Summit. Check out other speakers, including Capt. Jesse Black, Aditi Kumar, Hon. Heidi Shyu, and many more. Engage and learn more about the developments in defense technology with insightful discussions.


We invite you to join the summit on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center. We hope to see you there!


Dr. William Casebeer: His Career Journey


Dr. William Casebeer: His Career Journey
Image by Beyond Conflict (@Beyond_Conflict/X)


Before becoming an executive at Riverside Research, Dr. William Casebeer served the government for decades. Let’s take a look at his career and leadership timeline.


  • 2001 – 2003: Associate Professor of Philosophy at United States Air Force Academy
  • 2006 – 2009: Chief, Eurasia Section, EUCOM Survey Division at NATO SHAPE
  • 2009 – 2011: Deputy Head, W Dept (Warfighter and Technology Advancement) at Joint Warfare Analysis Center
  • 2010 – 2014: Program Manager at DARPA
  • 2014 – 2018: Senior Research Area Manager, Human Systems and Autonomy at Lockheed Martin
  • 2018 – 2019: Director at Beyond Conflict International
  • 2019 – 2020: Senior Director, Human-Machine Systems at Scientific Systems
  • 2020 – Present: Director at Riverside Research


About Riverside Research


The mission of the nonprofit organization Riverside Research is to promote national security. The organization can create research-driven solutions and yield faster results with its nonprofit framework and collaborative innovation strategy.


Riverside Research’s core competencies include radar systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and system engineering and integration.

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