
dictionary – Python – reverse nested dictionaries dict in dict

I am trying to reverse dictionary nesting such that dict2 in dict1 becomes dict1 in dict2. For this, I followed the method from the link:
Pythonic Way to reverse nested dictionaries

This dictionary nesting comes from a function such as:

#All functions and property for my_object0
class my_class0(object):
    def __init__(self, input, **kwargs):
        self.my_listA = ()

    def my_function0(self, **kwargs):
        for key, value in my_class(kwargs).my_function(kwargs):
            self.my_listA = ( (key2, value2) for key2, value2 in value.items() )
            if hasattr(self, key):
                yield from getattr(self, key)

    def my_property(self):
        for key, value in self.my_listA:
            yield key, value

#All functions and property for queries of object0 information (what?)
class my_class(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.my_listB = []

    def my_function(self, **kwargs):
        my_list3 = []
        for key, value in my_class3(kwargs).my_function3(kwargs3):
        self.my_listB = my_list3
        yield from self.my_functionZ(kwargsZ) #my problem is here !!!! i need to return dict2 in dict1 and not dict1 in dict2    

    def my_functionZ(self, **kwargs):
        for key, value in my_class2(kwargs).my_function2(kwargs2):
            yield key, value

#All functions and property for data of queries (where?)
class my_class2(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    def my_function2(self, my_list2, **kwargs):
        for item2 in my_list2: #my_list2 = dir(self)
            yield item2, getattr(self, item2)(self)

    def item2(self, self2, **kwargs):
        if call1:
            return "my_data1"
        elif call2:
            return "my_data2"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for item in my_list:
        print( dict( my_class0(item).my_function0() ) )

I create a function that solves the problem:

def flip_dict_in_dict1(generator1):
    dict3 = {}
    for key, val in generator1:
        for key2, val2 in val.items():
            dict3.setdefault(key2, {}).update({key:val2})
    return dict3

For exemple: the dictionary

d0 = {
'Bob' : {'item1':3, 'item2':8, 'item3':6},
'Jim' : {'item1':6, 'item4':7},
'Amy' : {'item1':999,'item2':5,'item3':9,'item4':2}

corresponds to the generator

d0 = (
('Bob', {'item1':3, 'item2':8, 'item3':6}),
('Jim', {'item1':6, 'item4':7}),
('Amy', {'item1':999,'item2':5,'item3':9,'item4':2})

is tested with

print( flip_dict_in_dict( d0 ) )

The console displays

{'item1': {'Bob': 3, 'Jim': 6, 'Amy': 999}, 'item2': {'Bob': 8, 'Amy': 5}, 'item3': {'Bob': 6, 'Amy': 9}, 'item4': {'Jim': 7, 'Amy': 2}}

This function correctly such that

yield from flip_dict_in_dict1( self.my_functionZ(kwargsZ) ).items()

The problem comes with the size of nested dictionaries. These dictionaries can contain between 1 KB and 10 GB of data.
I cannot store the entire dict3 dictionary in memory. So I created a dictionary class.

class flip_dict_in_dict2(dict):
    def __init__(self, mirror):
        self.mirror = mirror
        self.dict2 = self.mirroir_dict2
    def __contains__(self, key3) -> bool:
        return self.dict2(self, key3)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.dict2(self, key)
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
        return iter( self.dict2(self) )
    class mirroir_dict2(dict):
        def __init__(self, parent, key1):
            self.parent = parent
            self.key1 = key1
        def __contains__(self, key2) -> bool:
            print( self.key1, key2 )
            return key2 in self.parent.mirror
        def __getitem__(self, key2):
            return self.parent.mirror[key2][self.key1]
        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
            for value in self.parent.mirror.values():
                yield value

But I can’t seem to set all the dictionary parameters (e.g. contains, getitem, iter) to make this work. Can you help me ?
If you have a better method to save CPU and memory and avoid this class definition, that would be even better. Likewise, if you have suggestions for improving the architecture described, please offer them.

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