
Creative Goal-Oriented Reasoning in Smart Homes with Large Language Models

Download a PDF of the paper titled Sasha: Creative Goal-Oriented Reasoning in Smart Homes with Large Language Models, by Evan King and 3 other authors

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Abstract:Smart home assistants function best when user commands are direct and well-specified (e.g., “turn on the kitchen light”), or when a hard-coded routine specifies the response. In more natural communication, however, human speech is unconstrained, often describing goals (e.g., “make it cozy in here” or “help me save energy”) rather than indicating specific target devices and actions to take on those devices. Current systems fail to understand these under-specified commands since they cannot reason about devices and settings as they relate to human situations. We introduce large language models (LLMs) to this problem space, exploring their use for controlling devices and creating automation routines in response to under-specified user commands in smart homes. We empirically study the baseline quality and failure modes of LLM-created action plans with a survey of age-diverse users. We find that LLMs can reason creatively to achieve challenging goals, but they experience patterns of failure that diminish their usefulness. We address these gaps with Sasha, a smarter smart home assistant. Sasha responds to loosely-constrained commands like “make it cozy” or “help me sleep better” by executing plans to achieve user goals, e.g., setting a mood with available devices, or devising automation routines. We implement and evaluate Sasha in a hands-on user study, showing the capabilities and limitations of LLM-driven smart homes when faced with unconstrained user-generated scenarios.

Submission history

From: Evan King [view email]
Tue, 16 May 2023 20:52:04 UTC (2,419 KB)
Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:27:58 UTC (2,331 KB)
Thu, 25 Jan 2024 20:04:50 UTC (2,032 KB)

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