
Autostart a Python UI to a DSI display

for a little project I have build a Python UI which should autostart on a Raspberry PI4 that has a DSI touch display connected to it. I’m currently running Raspbian on it but that can be changed if needed.

But I’m not able to get this to work. I found an old post about this problem (How to boot into own python script (GUI) only?) but the solutions don’t work for me.

Since “nodm” is deprecated, I installed the newer “lightdm-autologin-greeter”
Then I created an .xsession-file with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec openbox-session &
while true; do
  python3 /home/xxx/ui.py

and yeah.. No Python UI on my DSI screen. When I log in via RDP, the UI gets shown in the RDP-session instead.. I understood that RDP creates a new Xsession instead of using the existing one so now I’m wondering, why my UI won’t start to the DSI screen.

I’m completely new to Xsessions and how Linux handles this so it might be a simple problem. Hope someone can help me out

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