
Autonomous research with large language models

In this work, we present a multi-LLMs-based intelligent agent (hereafter simply called Coscientist) capable of autonomous design, planning and performance of complex scientific experiments. Coscientist can use tools to browse the internet and relevant documentation, use robotic experimentation application programming interfaces (APIs) and leverage other LLMs for various tasks. This work has been done independently and in parallel to other works on autonomous agents23,24,25, with ChemCrow26 serving as another example in the chemistry domain. In this paper, we demonstrate the versatility and performance of Coscientist in six tasks: (1) planning chemical syntheses of known compounds using publicly available data; (2) efficiently searching and navigating through extensive hardware documentation; (3) using documentation to execute high-level commands in a cloud laboratory; (4) precisely controlling liquid handling instruments with low-level instructions; (5) tackling complex scientific tasks that demand simultaneous use of multiple hardware modules and integration of diverse data sources; and (6) solving optimization problems requiring analyses of previously collected experimental data.

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