
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in clinical pharmacological research


Clinical pharmacology research has always involved computational analysis. With the abundance of drug-related data available, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) methods has emerged as a promising way to enhance clinical pharmacology research.


Based on an accepted definition of clinical pharmacology as a field of research dealing with all aspects of drug-human interactions, the analysis included publications from institutes specializing in clinical pharmacology. Research topics and the most used machine learning methods in clinical pharmacology were retrieved from the PubMed database and summarized.


ML was identified in 674 publications attributed to clinical pharmacology research, with a significant increase in publication activity over the last decade. Notable research topics addressed by ML/AI included Covid-19-related clinical pharmacology research, clinical neuropharmacology, drug safety and risk assessment, clinical pharmacology related to cancer research, and antimicrobial and antiviral research unrelated to Covid-19. In terms of ML methods, neural networks, random forests, and support vector machines were frequently mentioned in the abstracts of the retrieved papers.


ML, and AI in general, is increasingly being used in various research areas within clinical pharmacology. This report presents specific examples of applications and highlights the most used ML methods.


Clinical pharmacology; applied artificial intelligence; computational drug discovery; data science; machine learning.

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