
Artificial General Intelligence with Peter Voss.

Jul 30, 2024

This week on Austin Tech Connect with go into a deep
conversation about AI and AGI with Peter Voss.  Peter is the
Founder, CEO, and Chief Scientist at Aigo.ai.  He has been
researching AI and AGI for his whole career.  He recently
moved to Austin and has a very positive outlook on our community
and the future of Artificial General Intelligence.


About Peter


Peter Voss is a Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence who in 2001
coined the term ‘AGI’ (Artificial General Intelligence) with fellow
AI luminaries.

Peter is an Engineer, Scientist, and Inventor as well as a Serial
AI Entrepreneur and Leader.

Started in electronics engineering, then fell in love with

Peter achieved his first major success by developing a
comprehensive ERP package and taking that company from Zero to
400-person IPO in Seven years.
Fueled by the fragile nature of software, Peter embarked on a
journey 20 years ago to study what intelligence is, how it develops
in humans, and the current state of AI while successfully
commercializing an earlier version (SmartAction).

This research, development & commercialization culminated in the
creation of our proto-AGI natural language intelligence engine
called ‘Aigo’ (say I-go) that can think, learn, and reason — and
adapt to, and grow with the user.

Aigo engine has already replaced thousands of call center agents in
the field as a proof point and is now gearing up to reach
human-level intelligence developed on human brain-like Cognitive

Our white paper “Concepts Is All You Need: A More Direct Path to
AGI” details this groundbreaking approach and our strategy to
achieving human-level AI.
Peter is on a mission to bring AGI to the world, to boost human


About Aigo


Founded by AGI Pioneer Peter Voss who coined the term “AGI”
(Artificial General Intelligence) 20 years ago with fellow AI

Peter and team have spent over two decades in researching,
developing & commercializing AGI that culminated in the creation of
proto-AGI natural language intelligence engine called ‘Aigo’ (say
I-go) that can think, learn, and reason — and adapt to, and grow
with the user.

Aigo engine has already replaced thousands of call center agents in
the field as a proof point and today, Aigo.ai stands on the cusp of
a groundbreaking AGI breakthrough, demonstrating “Self-Learning AI”
by leveraging Aigo’s INSA – Integrated Neuro-Symbolic

Aigo.ai is on a mission to bring AGI to the world, to boost human

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